DANCE WITH YOU (formerly Anniversary Shuffle)
Choreographed by David Levesque and Natalie Shields, June 1998- [email]
Description Partner Circle or Mixer, Intermediate, Counts: 52, much like a
swing with sass, Rev. 6 7/98 Start in standard closed position,
man faces outside L.O.D.,i.e. left shoulder to line of dance.
Suggested Music "I Just Want to dance With You" by George Strait
This Aint No Thinking Thing by Trace Adkins
One Night At a Time" by George Strait
Neon Moon by Brooks and Dunn

Man Lady
1-4 Two rock steps.
Rock fwd on left, recover on right, rock back on left recover on right Rock back on right, recover on left, rock fwd on right recover on left
5-12  Side Shuffle left toward L.O.D rock, Shuffle toward Reverse L.OD., 1/4 turn rock.
1&2, Shuffle side left, stepping L, R, L; Shuffle side right in stepping R, L, R; over on right
3-4 rock back on right recover on left, rock back on L opening to face L.O.D.(1/4 turn L),rec
5&6, Shuffle side right stepping R, L, R, Shuffle side left stepping L, R, L,
7-8  rock back on left and recover on right, rock on Rt opening up to L.O.D (1/4 turn Rt) recover on left
14-20 Two shuffles and rocks in L.O.D., woman turns out ¾ to face man, man follows.
1&2  Left shuffle forward in L.O.D, stepping L, R, L Right shuffle forward, turning 1/2 to right in L.O.D., stepping R.L.R
3&4 right shuffle forward in L.O.D., stepping R, L, R; Left shuffle back, stepping left, right, left,
5-6 rock back on left recover on right,
Only holding woman's right hand in his left here
rock back on right, recover on left
21-24.  Rolling grapevine to center of circle, with clap and touch.
7-10 Roll left, stepping left, right, left, touch right next to left clapping hands with woman  Roll right, stepping right, left, right, touch left next to right clapping hands with man
25-32. Rolling grapevine back to closed position and weight shifts.
1-4 Roll right, stepping right, left, right, touch left, next to right. Roll left, stepping left, right, left, touch right, next to left.
5-8 In closed position, place weight on Lt for two and on Rt for two Place weight on right for two and on left for two
33-40. Walk in L.O.D., two shuffles and a rock, woman does a ½ turn to face man.
In open promenade facing L.O.D., lead woman with left hand, In open promenade facing L.O.D
1-2 walk left, right, walk right, left:
3&4 L shuffle fwd in L.O.D. stepping L,R,L complete a ½ turn to the right shuffling R, L,R now back is to L.O.D
5&6 shuffle fwd right stepping R,L,R Left shuffle back stepping left, right, left,
7-8 rock back on L recover on right rock back on right, recover on left
41-46 Two shuffles and a rock, to put woman in middle of circle.
As woman travels to center of circle While turning 3/4 right to face man and moving to the center of the circle
1&2 complete a 1/4 turn left, shuffling in place: left shuffle  right shuffle stepping R,L,R,
3&4 right shuffle, shuffle left
5-6 rock back on left, recover on right, rock back on right, recover on left
man is now on outside facing into circle
47-50 Two shuffles to return to original position, woman passes under man's left arm
 Moving to the center of the circle, to face O.L.O.D Completing a ½ turn right passing under man's left arm, moving to the outside of the circle,
7&8 Left forward shuffle stepping L,R,L Right shuffle fwd stepping R, L,R;
1&2 doing a ½ turn left; right shuffle back stepping R,L,R Left shuffle back stepping L,R,L,
 3-4 rock back on left recover on right rock back on right recover on left;
you should now be facing partner and I.L.O.D. with your right hand in his left
To make it a mixer, release hands and the lady shuffles in front of next man during these counts.
51-52. Step home and return to closed position.
5-6 Step left next to right, step on right next to left Step right next to left, step on left next to right
Begin Again and Thank You for trying our dance!!!