The Dance with No Name
Choreographed By 	David & Pat Wressell, Dec/08
Description 	40 Count, Easy intermediate Partner Dance, Start position sweetheart
		Same footwork throughout except stated
Music 		To Falling out of love again - Tony Dallas or any music with 126 BPM
	MAN 					LADY
	4 Shuffles Forward. Lady Shuffles Around Man.
1&2 	Shuffle forward Right. Left. Right. 		Right shuffle begin circling left around in front of man.
3&4 	Shuffle forward. Left. Right. Left. 		Left shuffle continuing around man.
5&6 	Shuffle forward: Right. Left. Right. 		Right shuffle continuing around man
7&8 	Shuffle forward: Left. Right. Left. 		Left shuffle continuing around man
	Finishing with arms crossed in front of body.
	4 Shuffles Forward. Lady 2 Shuffles Forward. 2 1/2 Turn Shuffles.
9&10 	Both shuffle forward Right. Left. Right.
11&12 	Both shuffle forward. Left. Right. Left.
	With arms still crossed in front of body.
13&14 	Shuffle forward. Right. Left. Right. 1/2 Turn shuffle turning left. Right. Left. Right
15&16 	Shuffle forward. Left. Right. Left. 1/2 Turn shuffle. Left. Right. Left.
	When the lady does the 1/2 turn shuffles.
	Both lift left arms and let the lady go under the man's left arm
	ending back into sweetheart position.
	Heel & Toe. Shuffle x 2
17-18 	Tap right heel forward tap right toe back.
19&20 	Right shuffle forward. Right. Left. Right.
21-22 	Tap left forward tap left toe back.
23&24 	Left shuffle forward. Left. Right. Left.
	Step Pivot 1/2 Turn, Shuffle x 2
25-26 	Step forward on right. Pivot half turn left.
	As you both turn to left let go of right hands, lift left hands high
	the lady turns under the man's left arm.
27&28 	Right shuffle forward. Right. Left. Right.
29-30 	Step forward on left. Pivot half turn right.
	As you both turn to right ,lift left hands high the man turns
	under lady's left arm. Ending back into sweetheart position.
31&32 	Left shuffle forward. Left. Right. Left.
	Walk. Walk. Kick ball Change x 2.
33-34 	Walk forward. Right. Left.
35&36 	Kick right forward. Step right next to left. Step left in place.
37-38 	Walk forward. Right. Left.
39&40 	Kick right forward. Step right next to left. Step left in place.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert December 2008