Choreographer Unknown
Description 70 Count. One wall couples line dance in Sweetheart
Music:  God Blessed Texas - Little Texas

1-2 Touch right toes back twice
3&4 Shuffle backward - right, left, right
5-6 Touch left toes back twice
7&8 Shuffle backward - left, right, left
9-10 Touch right heel forward, Cross right  over left 
11-12 Touch left  forward, Cross left  over right
13-14 Touch right heel forward, Cross right  over left 
15-16 Kick left  forward, Cross left  over right
17-18 Step right  to right side, Step left  behind right 
19-20 Step right  to right side and turn 1/4 right, Hitch left leg
21-24 Step back left, right, left, Stomp right  next to left 
25-26 Push hips to right side twice
27-28 Push hips to left side twice
29-30 Step right  forward, Turn 1/4 left
31-32 Step right  forward, drop left hands, Turn 1/4 left, rejoin left hands behind man low
33-34 Step right  forward, Turn 1/4 left
35-36 Right arms behind man's back, left arms in front of lady
Stomp right  twice
Next 4 steps done at a 45 degree angle to right
37-38 Step right  forward, Slide left  next to right 
39-40 Step right  forward, Scuff left  next to right 
Next 4 steps done at 45 degree angle to left
41-42 Step left  forward, Slide right  next to left 
43-44 Step left  forward, Scuff right  next to left
Turn 1/4 right on next 3 steps
45-48 In place step right, left, right, Scuff left  next to right 
Turn 1/2 left on next 3 step, release right hands while turning, rejoin on lady's shoulders
when turn is complete
49-52 In place step left, right, left, Scuff right  next to left 
53-55 Lady walks to left in a 3/4 circle ending on man's
right side (facing OLOD)- right, left, right
Turn in place 1/4 right taking right arms over both heads ending with left arms behind man's back right arms in front of lady low - right, left, right (facing OLOD)
56 Hitch left leg Hitch left leg
On next 3 steps turn toward each other 1/2 turn ending facing LOD
57-59 Releasing left hands, turn 1/2 left - left, right, left Releasing left hands, turn 1/2 right - left, right, left
Rejoin left hands on lady's left shoulder, lady is on man left side
60 Scuff right  next to left 
Releasing right hands
61&62 Shuffle backwards and to right under man's left
arm - right, left, right
Shuffle slightly forward - right. left, right
Release left hand and join right hands
63&64 Shuffle to right and forward under man's right 
arm - left, right, left
Shuffle to the left - left, right, left
Rejoin hands in sweetheart position
65&66 BOTH - Shuffle forward - right, left, right
67&68 Shuffle forward - left, right, left
69 Stomp right  next to left 
70 Stomp left  next to right 
Start again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert September 2001