1-2-3 Left Basic Forward
4-5-6 Right Basic Forward
1-2-3 Basic that turns 1/2 turn Left
(Release Left hands, Right hands behind man's back)
4-5-6 Right basic back
1-2-3 Basic that turns 1/2 turn Left
(Release Right hands, back into Sweetheart Position)
4-5-6 Right basic back
1-2-3 Each partner turns in to face each other
(Man brings Right Hands over and in front of Lady - Hands are now crossed in front)
4-5-6 Right basic back (Smaller steps)
(Hands slide to open position as you Waltz back)
1-2-3 Left basic forward ending beside each other
(Arms are out with hands joined, Making a Cupid's Bow)
4-5-6 Right basic forward ( Waltzing around 1/4 turn right)
1-2-3 Left basic forward (Waltzing around 1/4 turn right)
4-5-6 Right basic back and apart
1-2-3 Man does Left Basic Waltz almost in place but may travel back and around Lady as Lady
does left Waltz forward to end up in original Sweetheart Position
4-5-6 Right basic forward
(VARIATION: On last 1-2-3, instead of Lady Waltzing forward straight into Sweetheart,
Man can spin/twirl Lady counterclockwise into Sweetheart Position)