Crushin' It

Choreographed by 	April Barker - Grapevine to the Right – January 2019
Description 	4 Wall 32 Count Beginner Line Dance
Music 		Crushin' It - Brad Paisley
		Intro- 32 Counts - Start With Lyrics, Approx. :20 In

Sect 1 	Stomps/shuffles/slides
1-2 	Stomp R down twice
3&4 	Shuffle backwards and slightly diagonally R, RLR
5-6 	Slide backwards and slightly diagonally with L, bringing R to meet L with weight still on L
7-8 	Slide backwards and slightly diagonally with R, bringing L to meet R with weight still on R

Sect 2 	Stomps/shuffles/slides
1-2 	Stomp L down twice
3&4 	Shuffle forward and slightly diagonally L, LRL
5-6 	Slide forward and slightly diagonally with R, bringing L to meet R with weight still on R
7-8 	Slide forward and slightly diagonally with L, bringing R to meet L with weight still on L

Sect 3 	Grapevines
1-4 	Grapevine R
5-8 	Grapevine L, ending with a ¼ turn to the left, facing a new wall with weight on L

Sect 4 	Kicks/triple steps or (optional) sailor shuffle
1-2 	Kick R out in front of you, then out to your R side
3&4 	Alternate stomping feet RLR
5-6 	Kick L out in front of you, then out to your L side
7&8 	Alternate stomping feet LRL

	Start Again 				February 2019