Cowgirl’s Dream

Choreographed by 

Kathryn Rowlands, Anglesey, Wales, UK 
Description  64 count, 4-wall line dance, improver/intermediate level
Why’d You Come In Here Lookin’ Like That - Dolly Parton, A Life In Music’ CD.
Under This Old Hat, Most Awesome 4 CD; 
Saturday Night, Most Awesome 4 CD.

Bridges – sorry! Don’t be put off by the bridges – if you listen to the music first, you will see how easy it is to follow. 
	No bridges with the alternative choices of music.
	22-count intro. Start on "here comes my baby . . ."–– after 7 right stomps. The music tells you!
1-8 	Right half hook x2, Right step-lock-step, Scuff
1-2 	Right heel forward diagonally, hook in front of left
3-4 	Repeat counts 1-2
5-8 	Right step forward diagonally, lock left foot behind, right step forward, scuff left
9-16  	Left half hook x2, Left step-lock-step, Scuff
1-2 	Left heel forward diagonally, hook in front of right
3-4	Repeat counts 1-2
5-8	Left step forward diagonally, lock right behind, left step forward, scuff right
17-24	Right Rocking Chair, Rock, Coaster, Pause
1-2	Rock forward on right, recover onto left
3-4	Rock back on right, recover forward onto left
5-6	Rock forward on right, recover onto left
7&8 	Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
25-32	Hip Bumps, Weave, Pause
1-4 	Bump the hips left, right, left, right
5-8 	Cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right, pause
33-40	Right touches, Weave, Pause
1-2	Touch right toe out to right side, touch it in beside left
3-4	Repeat counts 1-2
5-7	Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward, pause
41-48	Left touches, Slow Turning Shuffle, Scuff
1-2	Touch left toe out to left side, touch it in beside right
3-4 	Repeat counts 1-2
5-8 	Step left to left, close right beside left, step left making ¼ turn left, scuff right forward
49-56	Slow Paddles
1-4	Step forward right, pause, pivot ¼ turn to left, pause
5-8	Repeat counts 1-4
57-64 	Stomps, Pigeon Toes, Slow Kick Ball Change, Pause
1-2 	Stomp right, stomp left 
3-4 	Swivel both heels out and in
5-8 	Kick right forward, step ball of right beside left, step left in place, pause.

	At the end of the first wall - - stomp right x3
	At the end of the second wall - - stomp right x7
	At the end of the third wall - - stomp right x3
	The music leads you into the bridges.
	No stomps then until the very end. The dance will end on Section 25-32; 
	at the end of the weave, stomp the right once. April 2006