Couple - a - Shakes
Choreographed by Sue Halliday (518) 371- 75 79
Description Progressive Beginner/Intermediate partner dance in Right Side by Side position
Music The Shake - Neal Mc(oy

  Heel Swivels With Hip Bumps
1-4 Bending knees, slightly, swivel heels to the left while bumping hips to the left four times
5-8 With knees bent, swivel heels to the right while bumping hips to the right four times
  Diagonal Vines, Scuffs
9-10 Step forward and diagonally to the left on Left, Step Right behind Left heel
11-12 Step forward and diagonally to the left on Left, Scuff Right forward
13-14 Step forward and diagonally to the right on Right, Step Left behind Right heel
15-16 Step forward and diagonally to the right on Right, Scuff Left forward
  Heel Swivels With Hip Bumps
Note: The following four beats are done while slowly bending knees
17-18 Swivel heels to the left and bump hips to the left twice
19-20 Swivel heels to the right and bump hips to the right twice
Note: The following four beats are done while slowly straightening knees
21-22 Swivel heels to the left and bump hips to the left twice
23-24 Swivel heels to the right and bump hips to the right twice
  Shuffle Forward
25&26 Shuffle forward (LRL)
27&28 Shuffle forward (RLR)
29-32 Repeat Beats 25 through 28
  Cross Steps, Holds
33-34 Cross Left over right and step, Hold
35-36 Cross Right over Left and step, Hold
37-40 Repeat beats 33 through 36
  CW Military Pivots, Jazz Square
  Release left hands and raise Right hands
41-42 Step forward on Left, Pivot 1/2 turn CW on ball of Left and shift weight to Right
43-44 Repeat beats 41 and 42
  Rejoin Left hands returning to Right Side by Side position facing FLOD.
45-46 Cross Left over Right and step, Step back onto Right in place
47-48 Step slightly to the left on Left, Step Right next to Left
  Side Step-Slides, Step-Touches
49-50 Step to the left on Left, Slide Right over next to Left and step
51-52 Step to the left on Left, Touch Right toe next to Left
53-54 Step to the right on Right, Slide Left over next to Right and step
55-56 Step to the right on Right, Touch Left toe next to Right
  CW Military Pivots, Stomps, Hip Bumps With Heel swivels
  Release left hands and raise right hands
57-58 Step forward on Left, Pivot 1/2 turn CW on ball of Left and shift weight to Right
59-60 Repeat beats 57 and 58
  Rejoin Left hands returning to Right Side by Side position facing FLOD.
61-62 Stomp Left next to Right, Stomp Right next to Left
63 Swivel heels to the right while bumping hips to the right,
64 Swivel heels to the left while bumping hips to the left
  Begin Again
C.D's & Tapes Available from Broken Wheel Music 01473 827376
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate,Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert December 2000