Heel Swivels With Hip Bumps |
1-4 |
knees, slightly, swivel heels to the left while bumping
hips to the left four times |
5-8 |
With knees
bent, swivel heels to the right while bumping hips to the
right four times |
Diagonal Vines, Scuffs |
9-10 |
Step forward
and diagonally to the left on Left, Step Right behind
Left heel |
11-12 |
Step forward
and diagonally to the left on Left, Scuff Right forward |
13-14 |
Step forward
and diagonally to the right on Right, Step Left behind
Right heel |
15-16 |
Step forward
and diagonally to the right on Right, Scuff Left forward |
Heel Swivels With Hip Bumps |
Note: |
following four beats are done while slowly bending
knees |
17-18 |
Swivel heels
to the left and bump hips to the left twice |
19-20 |
Swivel heels
to the right and bump hips to the right twice |
Note: |
following four beats are done while slowly straightening
knees |
21-22 |
Swivel heels
to the left and bump hips to the left twice |
23-24 |
Swivel heels
to the right and bump hips to the right twice |
Shuffle Forward |
25&26 |
forward (LRL) |
27&28 |
forward (RLR) |
29-32 |
Repeat Beats
25 through 28 |
Cross Steps, Holds |
33-34 |
Cross Left
over right and step, Hold |
35-36 |
Cross Right
over Left and step, Hold |
37-40 |
Repeat beats
33 through 36 |
CW Military Pivots, Jazz Square |
left hands and raise Right hands |
41-42 |
Step forward
on Left, Pivot 1/2 turn CW on ball of Left and shift
weight to Right |
43-44 |
Repeat beats
41 and 42 |
Left hands returning to Right Side by Side position
facing FLOD. |
45-46 |
Cross Left
over Right and step, Step back onto Right in place |
47-48 |
slightly to the left on Left, Step Right next to Left |
Side Step-Slides, Step-Touches |
49-50 |
Step to the
left on Left, Slide Right over next to Left and step |
51-52 |
Step to the
left on Left, Touch Right toe next to Left |
53-54 |
Step to the
right on Right, Slide Left over next to Right and step |
55-56 |
Step to the
right on Right, Touch Left toe next to Right |
CW Military Pivots, Stomps, Hip Bumps
With Heel swivels |
left hands and raise right hands |
57-58 |
Step forward
on Left, Pivot 1/2 turn CW on ball of Left and shift
weight to Right |
59-60 |
Repeat beats
57 and 58 |
Left hands returning to Right Side by Side position
facing FLOD. |
61-62 |
Stomp Left
next to Right, Stomp Right next to Left |
63 |
Swivel heels
to the right while bumping hips to the right, |
64 |
Swivel heels
to the left while bumping hips to the left |
Begin Again |