Country Squire

Choreographer: 	Eddie Morrison (Scotland) September 2019
Description 	3 Wall 36 Count Improver Line Dance
Music: 		Country Squire - Tyler Childers ~  8 Count Intro

Sect 1: 	Back touch, step scuff, step lock step hold.
1-2 	Step back on right, touch left over right.
3-4 	Step forward on left, scuff forward on right.
5-6 	Step forward on right, lock left behind right.
7-8 	Step forward on right, hold.
Sect 2: 	Step 1/2 turn step, triple full turn, rock & cross side, back cross side.
1&2 	Step forward on left making 1/2 turn right, step down on right, step forward on left
3&4 	Triple 1/2 turn left, stepping right left right.
5&6 	Rock left to the side, recover on right, cross left over right.
&7&8 	Step right to the side, step back on left, cross right over left, step left to the side.
Sect 3: 	Back rock step, step lock step, rumba box back, rumba box forward.
1&2 	Rock back on right, recover on left, step forward on right.
3&4 	Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left.
5&6 	Step right to the side, step left beside right, step back right.
7&8 	Step left to the side, step right beside left, step forward on right.
Sect 4: 	Rocking chair, step 1/4 turn cross, side rock & cross & behind side cross.
1&2& 	Rock forward on right recover on left, rock back on right recover on left.
3&4 	Step 1/4 turn left cross right over left.
5&6& 	Rock left to the side recover on right, cross left over right, step right to the side.
7&8 S	tep left behind right, step right to the side, cross left over right.
Sect 5: 	Side rock & cross & behind side touch.
1&2& 	Rock right to the side, recover on left, cross right over left, step left to the side.
3&4 S	tep right behind left, step left to the side, touch right beside left.
Restart during walls 3, 6, 9. Facing 12 o’clock
	Restarts are all in Sect 3 counts 7& change the & to a touch then restart.

Note:	When you hear him singing Spendin’ my nights in a bar room lord, 
	that’s the restart walls.
Ending : 	Wall 10 is the last wall, dance up to steps 5&6& on Sect 2 
	then cross left over right unwind 1/2 turn to face 12o’clock.	September 2019