Country Cousins Shuffle

Choreographed By	Stan Wrixon
Description	Partner Dance (64 Counts) in right side by side position. (Sweetheart)
Music		Old Country - Mark Chesnutt.}

	Step cross and shuffle. Box step.
1-2 	Step back onto left . Cross right over left and touch toe beside left
3&4 	Right shuffle forward.
5-6 	Cross and step left over right. Step back onto right.
7-8	Step left to the side. Touch right toe beside left.

	Step cross and shuffle. Box step.
9-10 	Step back onto right Cross left over right and touch toe beside right.
11&12	Left shuffle forward.
13-14	Cross and step right over left. Step back onto left.
15-16	Step right to the side. Touch left toe beside right.

	Rock step. 1/2 pivot turn. 1/2 shuffle turn. Rock step.
17-18	Step and rock back onto left. Rock forward onto right.
19-20	Step forward onto left. Pivot 1/2 turn right. Weight forward onto right
	Drop right hands. Mans left arm passes over ladies head, lower joined left hands 
	behind mans back into a hammer-lock position.
21&22	Left shuffle making 1/2 turn to right.
	Rejoin right hands in front, joined hands pass over ladies head.
23-24 	Step and rock back onto right. Rock forward onto left.

	Four shuffles progressing fwd making windmill turn left. Changing hands as you turn
25-32	Right shuffle. Left shuffle. Right shuffle. Left shuffle.
	Finish in right side by side position.

	Weave to right.
33-34	Step right to right. Step and cross left behind right.
35-36	Step right to right. Step and cross left over right.
37-38S	wing right over left and step down. Step left to left.
39-40 	Step and cross right behind left. Touch left toe back.

	Step 1/2 pivot. Step 1/2 pivot.
41-42 	Step forward onto left. Drop left hands, raise right. Pivot 1/2 turn right.
43-44	Step forward onto left. Keep right hands raised. Pivot 1/2 turn right.
	Take up left hands in right side by side position.

	Weave to left.
45-46 	Step left to. left. Step and cross right behind left.
47-48	Step left to left. Step and cross left over right
49-50 	Swing left over right and step down. Step right to right:
51-52	Step and cross left behind right. Touch right toe beside left.

	Step. Lock. Shuffle. Step. Lock Shuffle.
53-54	Step forward onto right. Step and lock left behind right.
55&56	Right shuffle forward.
57-58 	Step forward onto left. Step and lock right behind left.
59-60	Left shuffle forward.

	Rock step. Coaster step.
61-62 	Step and rock forward onto right. Rock back onto left.
63&64 	Step back onto right. Step left beside right. Step forward onto right

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert

July 2000