1 2 Step L to L, close R together, 3&4 L shuffle forward LRL 5 6 Step R to R, close L together, 7&8 R shuffle backward RLR1-8 Modified Rumba box
9-16 Rock Step, shuffle half turn X 2, changing hands9 10 Step back on L, recover onto R, 11&12 Forward shuffle LRL half turning R 13-14 Step back R recover onto L, 15&16 Forward shuffle RLR half turning L Keep hold of both hands. Now back to facing LOD 17-24 Raise Mans L hand, Ladies R hand, Half turn Lady out, to face RLOD. Lady reverse step pivot turn, Keep hold of both hands, ending in R Hammerlock (aka Tamara, Pretzel hold) (Ladies L arm behind her back) Now forward & reverse shuffles, (Coming & Going)
Man Lady17 18 Step back on L, recover onto R Half turn R under raised hands stepping forward onto R step L in place. Now facing RLOD 19&20 Forward shuffle LRL Backwards shuffle RLR 21-22 Step forward on R recover onto L Step back onto L recover onto R 23&24 Backward shuffle RLR Forward Shuffle LRL 25-28 Lady step pivot. Both forward shuffle. 25-26 Step L foot back, recover weight onto R Step forward onto R, half pivot L, 27&28 Forward shuffle LRL Both in LOD Forward shuffle RLR 29-32 Forward Lock step and shuffle. 29-30 Walk forwards R L, ( alternatively, step forward R and lock L behind R.) 31&32 Forward shuffle RLR Now back into original starting position. As an alternative, on steps 15&16, Use only Mans L and Ladies R hands, Man take bigger steps to align in front of and facing lady, Stay in this position through to step 26, On steps 27&28 regain side by side position and change hands.
BUFFALO MOUNTAIN PROMOTIONS Ltd. PO BOX 7315. PERTH PH1 2WB TEL 24hrs 01383 732609 E. mail ~ An Independent Scottish Company. Registration No. 173851 PPL No 000334510 Member of BCMC 000370, SWDA A002, CWDC(UK) 001188, BCMA A532, BWDA 748,
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Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | August 2005 |