Comin on Strong
Walk forward Left-Right-Shuffle forward LRL Step forward on Right, turning Ό Right touch Left toe beside Right foot {now facing OLOD in Indian Position} Sway Left onto Left and Hold for one count. Sway Hold ½ Turn Shuffle Sway Hold Sway Hold Sway to the Right and Hold for one count Turn ½ Left shuffle LRL {DLOD release Left hands take Right hands over Ladies head rejoin Left hands after shuffle} {Now facing ILOD in reverse Indian Position} Sway to the Right onto Right and Hold for one count. Sway to the Left Onto Left and Hold for one count.Walk Walk Shuffle Ό Turn Touch Sway Hold
Ό Turn Shuffle Rock Step ½ Turn Shuffle Coaster StepShuffle RLR turning Ό turn Left to face RLOD Rock back on Left recover onto Right. Release Left hands as you shuffle forward LRL turning ½ turn Right to face LOD taking Right hands over Ladies head. Rejoin Left hands as you do a Right Coaster Step. {Now back in Sweetheart Position facing LOD}
Rock Step Shuffle {twice} Pivot Turn Shuffle {twice}Man: Rock forward on Left recover onto Right Shuffle back LRL. {Take Left hands over Ladies head-now Left hands are over Right} LADY: Step forward on Left Pivot ½ turn Right onto Right Shuffle forward LRL. {Lady is facing RLOD} MAN: Rock back on Right recover onto Left shuffle forward RLR. {Take Left hands over Ladies head back to Sweetheart Position} LADY: Step forward on Right Pivot ½ turn Left onto Left shuffle forward RLR. {Both facing LOD} REPEAT
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| | May 2003 |