Choreographed by Jim & Diann Adams (219)865-6322  - 
Description 48 Count - Stationary Partner Dance Double Hand Hold
Position - Same Footwork 
Music Computer Control - the Tractors
Live Close - Visit Often - K.T. Olsen
Man Of Me - Gary Allen

Step Pivot, Step, Triple Step (will be in wrap position)
On 1 & 2 man raises Left hand (walks around Lady into wrap position) 
Man's footwork Lady's footwork
1-2 Step forward at a slight angle to the Left on the ball
of your Right and pivot  1/2 turn to your right
and step left with your Left
Step forward at a slight angle to the left on your Right and step Left next to right 
3&4 Triple step in place, Right , Left, Right Triple step slightly to the right, Right, Left, Right
Step, Step Triple Step (unwrap Lady) Step, Step, Triple Step
On 5&6 man releases right hand (ladies left) will join hands again on 7&8 
5-6 Step back at a slight angle to the left on ball of Lt
and pivot 1/2 turn to your Rt and step Rt next to Lt 
Step back on Left, step back on Right
7-8 Triple step in place Left, Right, Left   Triple step in place Left, Right, Left
(Will be in double hand hold position again) 
Walk, Walk Triple Step   Walk, Walk, Turning Shuffle
(9 thru 14 stay the same, 15 & 16 raise left hand (lady's right) to let her go into wrap position) 
9-10 Walk forward on Right,  Left  Walk back on Right, Left
11-12 Triple step in place Right, Left, Right  Triple step in place Right, Left, Right
13-14 Walk back on Left, Right Walk forward on Left, Right
15&16 Triple step in place Left, Right, Left  Turning shuffle 1/2 turn CCW Left, Right, Left
Man and Lady: Hip Sways, Step Touches
17-18 Sway hips to the Right, sway hips to the Left
19-20 Sway hips to the Right, sway hips to the Left  
21-22 Step Right forward, touch Left toe out to left side 
23-24 Step Left forward, touch Right toe to the right side 
Man and Lady: Cross, Unwind, Rock Step, Vine, Push Step
(On count 26 release right hand (lady's left) and raise your left hand (lady's right) to make 3/4 turn 
you will be side by side: man's left hand holding lady's right) 
25-26 Cross Right over your left, on balls of both feet, pivot 3/4 turn to the left, with weight on Left
27-28 Rock back on your Right, forward on you Left
29-30 Step right on your Right , step Left behind
31&32 Rock to the right on Right, back on your Left , cross Right over left and place 
Man and Lady: Left Vine with 1/4 Turn, Shuffle, Rock Steps
(On count 35 you will change hands, will be Rt to Rt, Lt to Lt (Indian position) for shuffle and rock steps) 
33-34 Step left on Left, step Right behind left 
35&36 Make a 1/4 turn to the left and shuffle Left, Right, Left
37 -38 Rock forward on Right, back on Left
39 -40 Rock back on Right, forward on Left
Military Pivot, Turning Shuffle, Walk Back Walk Back, Triple Step Military Pivot, Triple Step, Turn Turn, Triple step
(Drop Left hands on count 41, raise right hands to complete turn and triple steps) Go into Double Hand Hold 
41-42 Step forward on your Right and pivot 1/2
turn to your left keeping weight on Left
Step forward on your Right and pivot 1/2 
turn to your left keeping weight on your Left
43&44 Turning shuffle 1/2 turn CCW  Right, Left, Right       Triple step in place Right, Left, Right 
45-46 Walk back Left, walk back Right Turn full turn CW Left, Right 
47&48 Triple step in place Left, Right, Left   Triple step in place Left, Right, Left
Begin Again!