1-2 Step left to left side, step right beside left. 3&4 Step left to left side, close right beside left, step left to left side. doing a ¼ turn to the left releasing man’s left and lady’s right hands. 5-6 Step forward right, pivot ½ left putting weight on left --- release hands. 7&8 Step forward right with ¼ left turn, close left beside right, step right to right side. Couples now facing each other --- rejoin both hands.STEP SIDE LEFT, STEP TOGETHER, SHUFFLE LEFT WITH 1/4 TURN, 1/2 TURN, 1/4 LEFT TURN WITH RIGHT SHUFFLE
STEP LEFT BEHIND RIGHT & STEP RIGHT WITH 1/4 RIGHT TURN, STEP FWD LEFT & STEP FWD RIGHT, 1/2 TURN, 1/4 RIGHT TURN WITH SHUFFLE LEFT1-2 Step left behind right, step right doing ¼ right turn releasing man’s right and lady’s left hands. 3-4 MAN: Step forward left, step forward right. LADY: Step forward right and left doing a full 360 counter clockwise turn. Man’s left hand continues to hold lady’s right hand when lady turns. 5-6 Step forward left, pivot ½ right putting weight on right --- release hands. 7&8 Step forward left with ¼ right turn, close right beside left, step left to left side. Couples now facing each other --- rejoin both hands.
STOMP (IN PLACE) RIGHT & LEFT, TRIPLE CLAPS, STOMP (IN PLACE) RIGHT & LEFT, TRIPLE CLAPS.1-2 Stomp right, stomp left. 3&4 Clap hands three times (Man’s left with lady’s right, and vice versa). 5&6 Stomp right, stomp left 7&8 Clap hands three times (Man’s left with lady’s right, and vice versa). (Shift weight to right foot during these claps.) (For fun, slap the hands of the dancers next to you!)
STEP FWD LEFT AND STEP FWD RIGHT, LEFT TRIPLE IN PLACE, STEP BACK WITH 360 CLOCKWISE TURN, RIGHT TRIPLE IN PLACE1-2 MAN: Walk forward left then forward right. LADY: Walk backward (right & left) doing full 360 clockwise turn. (Man’s left hand holds lady’s right hand during this turn). 3&4 Step left in place, step right beside left, step left in place. Releases man’s left and lady’s right hands Join man’s right and lady’s left hands. 5-6 MAN: Walk backward (right & left) doing full 360 clockwise turn. (Man’s right hand holds lady’s left hand during this turn). LADY: Walk forward left then forward right. 7&8 Step right in place, step left beside left, step right in place. (Rejoin both hands - man’s left with lady’s right and vice versa).
effort has been made to ensure these cue
Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | December 2005 |