Of Friends
1-2 3&4 5-6 7&8 |
WALK, SHUFFLE (TWICE) Walk forward on right, Walk forward on left Shuffle forward stepping right-left-right Walk forward on left, Walk forward on right Shuffle forward stepping left-right-left STEPPING IN PLACE RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT WITH TURN TO THE RIGHT |
9-12 |
STEPS Step in place right-left-right-left turning ¼ turn to the right to face partner (turning lady ¾ turn to the right under your right hand, ending turn with a hand change going into a left to left hand hold position) |
STEPS Step in place right-left-right-left turning ¾ turn to the right to face partner (turning under mans right hand man will do a hand change going into a left to left hand hold position) |
13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 |
TO RIGHT WITH HEEL AND HAND TOUCHES Step to the right with right, Cross left behind right and step Step to the right with right, Touch left heel in front and to the right side of right (touch right hands with the person on right side across LOD from you) Step left foot next to right, Touch right heel in front and to the left side of left (touch hands right with your partner) Step right foot next to left, Repeat count 16 as above VINE TO THE LEFT WITH HEEL AND HAND TOUCHES Drop left hand hold as you pass your partner and join right hands Step to the left with left, Cross right behind left and step Step to the left with left, Touch right heel in front and to the left side of left (touch left hands with the person on the left side across LOD from you) Step right foot next to left, Touch left heel in front and to the right side of right (touch left with your partner) Step left foot next to right, Repeat count 24 as above ROLLING TURNS TO NEW PARTNER |
29 30 31 32 |
STEPS Release hands and turn ¾ turn to the right Step right ¼ turn to the right toward RLOD Turn ½ turn to the right on right and step left back Step back with right (do steps 31-32 as needed to join with new partner) Step back with left (join right hands with new partner) REPEAT |
STEPS Step right ¼ turn to the right toward LOD Turn ½ turn to the right on right and step left back Turn ½ turn to the right on left and step right forward Step forward with left (join hands with new partner) |
Every effort
has been made to ensure these cue Sheets
are accurate, Should you find any errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
| | April 2005 |