Choreographed by: K&K (UK) - June 2005 
Description 64 Count Intermediate Line Partner Dance (See Note Below)
Open Double Hand Hold"– Man facing OLOD – Lady facing ILOD
Mans steps given … Lady opposite footwork throughout unless stated
Three Little Birds - Sean Paul & Ziggy Marley CD - Shark Tale Soundtrack.
OR … for the Country option, I Love My Life - Jamie O’Neal off the Brave album.
Try it to anything with a good bouncy beat, such as what they do a fast Lamtara Rumba to.
Intro: 16 counts from beginning, come in on "Don’t Worry"
1-8 	Side, Rock Back, Side, Rock Forward, Step, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Step, Step.
1 	Step L to L side.
2&3 	Rock back on R (behind L), recover weight on L. Step R to R side. (Lady rocks fwd)
4&5 	Rock forward on L (in front of R), recover weight on R. Step L beside R. (Lady rocks back)
6&7 	Release R hand, Shuffle 1/2 turn L on R.L.R to face ILOD, Rejoin hands
	(Lady will step forward on the R, Shuffle 1/2 turn R, on L.R.L passing under the arm to face OLOD)
8& 	Step L beside R, Step R beside L.
9-16 	Repeat the above section again Counts 1 – 8&

17-24 	Side, Cross Rock Recover x 2, Walk Round a Full Circle To The Left.
17 	Step L to L side (to face diagonal), Release L hand,
18&19 	Cross rock R over L, recover on L, Step R to R side (to face diagonal), Release R hand.
20& 	Cross rock L over R, recover on R,
21-24 	Make a full turn round to L, on L.R.L, Touch R beside L. (Lady will turn to the Right)
25-32 	Repeat 17 – 24 again starting on opposite foot. But this time, Man will step
	weight onto L on count 24 (Lady still ends with a touch). Do not rejoin hands.
33-40 	Rumba Box, Hip Bumps R & L. (Footwork same for both)
33&34 	Step R to R side, Close L beside R, Step forward on R.
35&36 	Step L to L side, Close R beside L, Step back on L.
(This box is done around each other, end facing but to the right of each other, join Right hands)
37-40 	Bump R hips together x 2, taking weight onto R. Bump hips L x 2 transferring weight onto L
40-48 	Rolling Vine Right, Touch, Rolling Vine Left, Touch. (Footwork same for both)
41-42 	Make 1/4 turn to R stepping forward on R, 1/2 turn R stepping back on L,
43-44 	1/4 turn R stepping R to R side, Touch L beside R
45-48 	Repeat steps 41 – 44 starting on L foot. (Turning Left)
49-56 	1/4 Right Chasse, 1/4 Left Chasse, 1/4 Right Chasse, 1/4 Left, Touch.
49&50 	Make 1/4 turn L stepping R to R side, Step L beside R, Step R to R side. (Back to back)
51&52 	Make 1/4 turn L stepping L to L side, Step R beside L, Step L to L side. (Face to face)
53&54 	Make 1/4 turn L stepping R to R side, Step L beside R, Step R to R side. (Back to back)
55-56 	Make 1/4 turn L stepping L to side, Touch R beside L. (Lady will step onto R instead of a touch).
57-64 	Chasse Right, 1/2 Turn, Chasse Left, Chasse Right, 1/2 Turn, Chasse Left.
57&58 	(Holding Lady’s R hand in your L) Step R to R side, Step L beside R, Step R to R side.
59&60 	Make 1/2 turn R as you step L to L side, Step R beside L, Step L to L side. (Now back to back)
61&62 	(Changing hands) Step R to R side, step L beside R, Step R to R side.
63&64 	Make 1/2 turn R as you step L to L side, Step R beside L, Step L to L side.
& 	Step R beside L.
Note: 	This can be done as a Line or Circle Partner dance. You can put extra hands in by 
	tapping the next person’s hand in the Rolling Vines, or by clapping both hands of the 
	person you are facing as you do counts 49 – 56.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert June 2005