Cherry Pie

Choreographed by 	Dave & Lesley Mather (See (Contact
Description 	Partner Dance, 64 count. Starting Man on inside facing LOD,
		Lady on outside facing RLOD. Partners offset in Rt hand hold.
		Same footwork throughout except where stated.
Music 		Little Yellow Blanket - Dean Brodie, CD ‘Trail in Life’
		Starts quickly on the word ‘Dirt’.
1-8 	Vine Lt Scuff, Vine Rt Scuff, ½ Pinwheel turn.
1&2&3&4	Lt Side, Rt behind, Lt side, Scuff Rt, Rt Side, Lt behind, Rt side, Scuff Lt.
&5&6&7&8& Step Lt, Scuff Rt, Step Rt, Scuff Lt, Step Lt, Scuff Rt, Step Rt, Scuff Lt
	(&5 -8& turning 180 degrees around partner, man now on outside LOD)
9-16 	Vine Lt Scuff, Vine Rt Scuff, ½ Pinwheel turn.
1&2&3&4 	Lt Side, Rt behind, Lt side, Scuff Rt, Rt Side, Lt behind, Rt side, Scuff Lt.
&5&6&7&8& Step Lt, Scuff Rt, Step Rt, Scuff Lt, Step Lt, Scuff Rt, Step Rt, Scuff Lt
	(&5 -8& turning 180 degrees around partner, both now back to start position)
17-24 	Man: Mambo step. x 2. 		Lady: Mambo step back, Turn Lt into Sweetheart.
	Both: Step, Lock, Step. X 2
1&2 	Man: Fwd Lt, Recover Rt, Back Lt. 	Lady: Back Lt, Recover Rt, Fwd Lt
3&4 	Man: Back Rt, Recover Lt, Fwd Rt 	Lady: Fwd Rt, Turn & step ½ Lt, Fwd RT
5&6, 7&8 	Both: Fwd Lt, Lock Rt behind Lt, Fwd Lt. Fwd Rt, Lock Lt behind Rt, Fwd Rt.
	(Step 4, take up sweetheart hold)
25-32 	Lt Heel Strut, Rt Heel Strut, Step Fwd Lt, Rt, Lt. Step, Lock, Step x2
1&2&,3&4 Lt heel strut, Rt heel strut, Step Fwd Lt, Rt, Lt.
5&6, 7&8 	Fwd Rt, Lock Lt behind Rt, Fwd Rt. Fwd Lt, Lock Rt behind Lt, Fwd Lt.
33-40 	½ Turn Lt, triple ½ turn, Coaster step, Step, Lock, Step
1-2, 3&4 	Fwd Rt, pivot ½ turn Lt. Make another triple ½ Lt turn on RLR.
5&6,7&8 	Back Lt, together Rt, Fwd Lt. Fwd Rt, Lock Lt behind Rt, Fwd Rt.
	(Steps 1-4 release Rt hand, turn under raised Lt hand, regain sweetheart on step 5)
41-48 	Windmill Turn, Step, Lock, Step x2
1-4 	¼ turn Lt, ¼ turn & step back Rt, ¼ turn Lt, ¼ turn & step fwd Rt.
5&6,7&8 	Fwd Lt, Lock Rt behind Lt, Fwd Lt. Fwd Rt, Lock Lt behind Rt, Fwd Rt.
	(Step 1, Release Lt hand, bring Rt hand over lady’s head. Step 2, Rt hand down,
	raise Lt. Step 3, release Rt, Lt over Lady’s head. Step 4, regain Sweetheart hold)
49-56 	¼ Rt, Cross, Side, Cross, ¼ Lt. ¼ Lt, Cross, Side, Cross, Turn ¼ Lt step back.
1-2 	Step ¼ Rt on Lt, Cross Rt over Lt,
3&4 	Side Lt, Cross Rt over Lt, ¼ turn Lt (now facing LOD)
5-6 	Step ¼ Lt on Rt, Cross Lt over Rt,
7&8 	Side Rt, Cross Lt over Rt, ¼ turn Lt stepping back on Rt (now facing RLOD)
	(Steps1 – 3&, Indian position , man behind Lady. Step 4 Regain sweetheart)
	(Step 5, release Lt hand, Rt over Lady’s head. Steps 6, pickup Lt hands in
	Indian position Lady behind Man)

57-64 	Back, Back, Coaster Step, Shuffle fwd, Step, Turn, Touch. (Lady: Mambo Touch)
1, 2,3&4 	Step back Lt, Rt, Back Lt, together Rt, Fwd Lt
5&6, 	Shuffle Fwd RLR.
7&8 	Man: Step Fwd Lt, ½ turn Rt, touch Lt in place.
	Lady: Mambo touch – Fwd Lt, Recover Rt, touch Lt in place.
	(Steps 1 – 6 Retain hand hold, Lt in front, Rt hands behind man’s back)
	(Step 7, release Lt hands, hold Rt hands low)			April 2013