Chat 4 - 2

Choreographed by 	Moses Bourassa Jr. & Barbara Frechette
		508-993-3258 ~ 
Description 	32 count Beginners/Intermediate Partner/Circle dance
		Start in Sweetheart Position facing LOD. Identical Footwork - Unless noted!!!!
Music 		Online - Brad Paisley
	Grapevines with Scuffs
	These steps are done in a diagonal procession in LOD.
1-2 	step left to left side, step right behind left
3-4 	step left to left side, scuff right
5-6 	step right to right side, step left behind right
7-8 	step right to right side, scuff left
	Rock Steps, Recover Steps, In-place Steps, Forward Scuffs
1-2 	rock forward on left, recover on right
3-4 	Step left next to right, hold
5-6 	Rock back on right, recover on left
7-8 	step forward on right, scuff left forward
	Forward Steps,1/2 CW Turn,Scuffs,1/2 CCW Turn
	Release left hands as right goes over lady’s head and into right
	palms chest high position.
1-2 	step forward on left, step right making 1/2 CW Turn
3-4 	step forward on left, scuff right
	Raise right hands and go back to sweetheart position.
5-6 	step forward on right, step left making 1/2 CCW Turn
7-8 	step forward on right ,scuff left

	Forward Shuffles, Forward Steps,1/2 CW Turn
1&2 	forward shuffle left, right, left
3&4 	shuffle forward right, left, right
	Release right hands while left hands go over lady’s head.
5-6 	step forward on left, step right making 1/2 CW Turn
7-8 	step forward on left, step forward on right
	Man will be slightly behind Lady and to the right after these
	steps and connect both hands.
7-8 	step left to left side, step right next to left
	Modified Sailor Steps, Forward Steps,1/2 CW Turn,1/4 CW Turn
	Man will stay slightly behind Lady and to the left while doing these steps
1&2 	step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
3&4 	step right behind left, step left to left side, step forward on right
5-6 	rock forward on left, recover on right
7-8 	step left making 1/2 CCW Turn, step forward on right
	Back in Sweetheart Position.
	End of Dance
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert July 2007