Choreographed by John & Margaret Catt
Description Partner starting in sweetheart - Beginner - 40 Count
Music Any medium 4/4 beat

Beats Steps
1 - 4 Left  step forward, Right  step forward, Left  step forward, Right  scuff forward
5 - 8 Right  step forward (dropping right hands),Pivot 1/2 turn left
Right  step forward, Pivot 1/2 turn left & rejoin hands
9 - 12 Right  step forward, Left  step forward, Right  step forward, Left  scuff forward
13 - 16 Left  step forward (dropping left hands)Pivot 1/2 turn right
Left  step forward, Pivot 1/2 turn right & rejoin hands
17 - 20 Left  step left, right  cross behind left, left  step left, right  scuff forward
21 - 22 Right  step 1/4 turn right, Left knee hitch.(Man now behind lady)
23 - 26 Left  step to left side, Right  cross behind left, left  step to left side,
hitch right knee making 1/4 turn left
27 - 32 Right  step back, Left  step back, Right  step back,
Left  step back Right  stomp(twice)
33 - 40 Four forward shuffles starting on Left 
Start again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert September 2001