Champagne Love
Choreographer: Lesley Johnston
Description: 52 Count, 4 Wall Line & Partner Dance Partners start in "sweetheart"
Music: "Drinking Champagne" by George Strait - 102 bpm,
  "Smoke Rings In The Dark" by Gary Allan - 116 bpm,
  "Lovin' You Against My Will" by Gary Allan - 104 bpm,
  "Foolish Heart" by The Mavericks - 116 bpm,

  Partner hold in sweetheart position
1&2 Cha-cha to left (left-right-left),
3-4 Rock back right, rock forward left
5&6 Cha-cha to right (right-left-right),
7-8 rock back left, rock forward right
  Leader raising left arm over follower as 1/2 turn cha-cha, crossing arms at waist level
when you rock back. Leader raising left arm & back into sweetheart as you turn
1/2 turn cha-cha to left
1&2 1/2 turn cha-cha to right (left-right-left),
3-4 Rock back right, rock forward left
5&6 1/2 turn cha-cha to left (right-left-left),
7-8 Rock back left, rock forward right
  Leader after rock back in previous section leaders right arm to partners waist
(partner holding hand)
1-4 Step/rock crossing left over right, rock back onto right, step left back 45°, weight back onto right
5-8 Repeat last four counts (replacing left foot to center on 4th beat)
  Leader after rock back in previous section leaders right arm to partners waist
(partner holding hand
1-4 Step/rock crossing left over right, rock back onto left, step right back 45 degrees, weight back onto left
5-8 Repeat last four counts (replacing right foot to center on 4th beat)
  Leader left arms raises over followers head & to crossover at waist level as doing half turn. Arms remain crossed while doing cross shuffles right & back into sweetheart
position cross shuffles left
1-2 Turning body 1/2 turn to right, step left to side & replace weight on right
3&4 (Cross shuffle) step/cross left over right, right to side, step/cross left over right
5-6 Step/rock onto right, rock onto left
7&8 (Cross shuffle) step/cross right over left, left to side, step/cross right over left
  Leader as bringing left out to left side both partners hands come to followers waist through to shuffles then as doing 1/4 turn left leader picks up ladies right hand slowly raising as you turn left, hands still on waist
1-2 Bring left out to left side, hold
&3-4 Bring right beside left, left in front of right, hold
5&6 Shuffle forward right-left-right
7-8 Step forward left & 1/4 turn right (returning weight to right)
  On 4th step of turn bring left arms up to sweetheart position
1-4 Commencing a 1/2 turn to left walk (step left in front of right), L-R-L in place, cross right over left
  Start Again!
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate,Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert February 2001