Cha Cha Shuffle
Choreographed By Margaret & Bob Burnett
Description 72 Count, Partner Dance in right side by side position. 
(Sweetheart) Mirror image
Music What Am I waiting For - George Strait.

  Diagonal heel touches and cha cha's.
1-4 Tap left heel forward twice, Cha Cha in place.
5-8 Tap right heel forward twice,. Cha Cha Cha in place.
  Side steps. Slides. Cha Cha's.
9-12 Step left to the side. Slide right beside left. Cha Cha Cha in place.
13-16 Step right to the side. Slide left beside right. Cha Cha Cha in place.
  On steps 9-10 let go of hands, take up inside hands as you move apart
  On steps 13-16 ladies will step left, right, cha cha cha making a full turn left back
into sweetheart.
As the lady turns the man will take hold of lady's right hand in
his right, take up left hand in sweetheart
  Walk forward. Shuffle. Walk back. Shuffle.
17-20 Walk forward on left, right. Left shuffle forward
21-24 Walk back on right, left. Right shuffle backward.
  Step pivots and shuffles.
25-28 Step forward onto left. Pivot 1/2 turn right. Left shuffle forward.
  Release Rt hands, raise Lt. Lady goes under arch, take up Rt hands after turn.
29-32 Step forward onto right. Pivot 1/2 turn left. Right shuffle forward.
  Release Lt hands, raise Rt. Lady goes under arch, take up Lt hands after turn.
  Walk forward and shuffles. Step pivots and shuffles.
33-36 Walk forward on left, right. Left shuffle forward.
37-40 Walk forward on right, left. Right shuffle forward.
41-48 Repeat steps 25-32
  Walk forward. Shuffle. Walk back. Shuffle.
49-52 Walk forward on let right. Left shuffle forward.
53-56 Walk back on right, left. Right shuffle backward.
  Hooks and shuffles.
57-60 Touch left heel forward. Hook left across in front of right leg. Left shuffle forward.
61-64 Touch right heel forward. Hook right across in front of left leg. Right shuffle forward.
  Walk forward and shuffle. Box step Cha Cha.
65-68 Walk forward on left, right. Left shuffle f orward.
69-72 Step and cross right over left. Step back onto left. Cha Cha Cha in place.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate,Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2000