Cha Cha Change
Choreographed by Lisa Godgrey
Description 32-count, couples mixer Begin in closed postion, 
ladies inside circle facing out, Men outside circle facing in.
Music Slow to moderate cha-cha rhythm

Begins on Outside Circle. Begins on the Inside Circle.
1&2 Shuffle back left Shuffle forward right
3-4 Rock step back right, Recover weight to left Rock step forward left, Recover weight to right
5&6 Shuffle forward right Shuffle back left
7-8 Step forward Left, 1/2 turn right Rock step back right, Recover weight to left
9&10 Shuffle forward left Shuffle forward right
11-12 Step forward right, 1/2 turn left Step forward Left, 1/2 turn right
13&14 Shuffle forward right Shuffle forward left
15-16 Rock step forward left Recover weight to right Step forward right, 1/2 turn left
17&18 Shuffle back left Shuffle forward right
19-20 Rock step back right. Recover weight to left Rock step forward left. Recover weight to right
21&22 Shuffle in place right Shuffle in place left
23-24 Rock step left across right  (Point left hand LOD)
Recover weight to right
Rock step right across left  (Point right hand
toward LOD) 
Recover weight to left
25&26 Shuffle in place left Shuffle in place right
27-28 Rock step right across left (Point right hand RLOD) Recover weight to left Rock step left across right (Point left hand RLOD)
Recover weight to right
(Lead lady to your right) (change partners)
29&30 Shuffle right making full turn to left Shuffle left making a full turn to right
31 Rock step forward left Rock step back right
(recover hands with new partner) (recover hands with new partner)
32 Recover weight to right Recover weight to left
Begin Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert November 2003