Carry You Home

Choreographed by 	Rob Fowler (May 2014)
Description 	64 Count 2 Wall, Improver Line Dance
Music: 		Carry You Home - Tim Redmond. CD: Sountrack of our Lives Intro: On Vocals
Alt 		Fishing In The Dark - Garth Brooks (No Tags Or Restarts)

	Diagonal Charlston steps Right
1-4 	Step right diagonally fwd( right), touch Left fwd, Step back left, touch right back
5-8 	Step fwd right, Kick fwd left,step back left, step right to right side
	Diagonal Charlston steps Left
1-4 	Step left diagonally fwd( left), touch right fwd, Step back right, touch left back
5-8 	Step fwd left, kick fwd right,step back right,step left to left side
	Toe Struts Forward, ½ Pivot Chase Turn
1-4 	Right toe fwd,right heel down,left toe fwd, left heel down
5-8 	Step fwd right, make ½ turn left,step fwd right, hold
	Full Rolling Turn Fwd, Rock Forward Right, Recover, Step Back Right, Stomp Left
1-4 	Make ½ turn right step back left, make ½ turn right step fwd right, step fwd left, hold
5-8 	Rock fwd right,recover back left, step back right, stomp left next to right

	Monterey ¼ Turn, Modify Monterey ¼ Turn
1-4 	Touch right to right side, make ¼ turn right step right next to left,
	touch left to left side, step left next to right
5-8 	Touch right to right side, make ¼ turn right step right next to left,
	touch left to left side, Kick left fwd
	Jazz Box, Twist Right,Clap
1-4 	Cross left over right, step back right, step left to left side,step right next to left
5-8 	Twist heels right, twist toes right, twist heels right, clap
	Grapevine Left, ½ Turn, Twist Right, Clap
1-4 	Step left to left side,step right behind left, make ¼ turn left step fwd left,
	make ¼ turn left step right next to left
5-8 	twist heels right, twist toes right, twist both heels right, Clap
	Weave left (holding hands)
1-4 	Step left to left side,step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-8 	Step left to left side,step right behind left,step left to left side, Scuff right
	Start Over