Side Step, Toe Touch, Step Turn, Touch with Hand Slap, Rolling Vine, Touch
1-2 Step to the left on LEFT; Touch RIGHT Step to the right on RIGHT; Touch LEFT
toe next to Left toe next to Right
3-4 Step a 1/4 turn to the right on RIGHT; Step a 1/4 turn to the left on LEFT; Touch
Touch LEFT next to Right and slap Left RIGHT next to Left and slap Right hand to
hand to Lady’s Right hand Man’s Left hand
Partner’s now facing each other. Man facing OLOD and Lady facing ILOD. Release hands…
5-6 Step to the left on LEFT and begin a Step to the right on RIGHT and begin a full
full CCW rolling turn traveling to the left; CW rolling turn traveling to the right; Step on
Step on RIGHT and continue full CCW LEFT and continue full CW rolling turn
rolling turn
7-8 Step on LEFT and complete full CCW Step on RIGHT and complete full CW rolling
rolling turn; Touch RIGHT next to Left turn; Touch LEFT next to Right
Partner’s join hands in the Double Hand Hold Position. Man facing OLOD and Lady facing ILOD.
Side Rock Step, Cross, Hold, Turning Side Push Step, Together, Toe Touch
9-10 Step to the right on RIGHT; Rock to the Step to the left on LEFT; Rock to the right
left onto LEFT onto RIGHT
11-12 Cross RIGHT over Left and step; Hold Cross LEFT over Right and step; Hold
Release Man’s Left hand and Lady’s Right.
13-14 Step to the left on LT ; Push off on Left Step to the right on RT ; Push off on Right
and pivot 1/4 turn CCW on ball of RT and pivot 1/4 turn CW on ball of LT
15-16 Step LT next to Right; Touch RT toe back Step RT next to Left; Touch LEFT toe back
Forward Walk, Kick, Step Back, Toe Touch, Double Kick
17-18 Step forward on RT ; Step fwd on LT Step forward on LT; Step forward on RT
19-20 Step forward on RT; Kick LT forward Step forward on LT; Kick RT forward
21-22 Step back on LT; Touch RT toe back Step back on RIGHT; Touch LT toe back
23-24 Kick RIGHT forward twice Kick LEFT forward twice
Step Back, Crossover Toe Tap, Forward Step, Scuff, Forward Step-Side-Step, Touch
25-26 Step back on RIGHT; Hook Left over Right Step back on LEFT; Hook Right over Left
and touch LT toe back and to the right of Right and touch RT toe back and to the left of Left
27-28 Step fwd on LEFT; Scuff RT next to Lt Step forward on RT; Scuff LT next to Right
29-30 Step forward on RIGHT; Slide LEFT Step forward on LEFT; Slide RIGHT
up next to Right and step up next to Left and step
31-32 Step forward on RIGHT; Touch LEFT Step forward on LEFT; Touch LEFT
next to Right next to Right
Begin Pattern Again