Call The Preacher    (2 Pages)

Choreographed by 	Mariette & Jean-Marc Villeneuve, Canada ( 2011 )
Description 	Partner Dance    Beginner-Intermediate  64 counts, Indian Position   Facing O.L.O.D.
		The steps for the man and the woman are the same, unless indicated
Music : 		Call The Preacher - Paul Overstreet - Intro 16 count
1-8 	Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Side, Behind, Shuffle 1/4 Turn,
1-2 	LF to the left - Touch R next to LF
3-4 	RF to the right - Touch L next to RF
5-6 	LF to the left - Cross RF behind LF
7&8 	Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/4 turn to the left
	Sweetheart Position, facing L.O.D.
9-16 	M : Rock Step, Shuffle Back, Back Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd,
	W: Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Back Rock Step, Shuffle Fwd,
	Relaese left hands, the woman passes under the right arms
1-2 	M: Rock forward on RF - Return on LF W : RF forward - Pivot 1/2 turn to the left
3&4 	M : Shuffle back RF, LF, RF W : 1/2 turn to the left and Shuffle back RF, LF, RF
	Sweetheart Position, facing L.O.D.
5-6 	Rock back on LF - Return on LF
7&8 	Shuffle forward LF, RF, LF
17-24 	Cross, Side, Back Rock Step, Step, Lock, Shuffle Fwd,
1-2 	Cross RF in front of LF - LF to the left
3-4 	Rock RF crossed behind LF- Return on LF
5-6 	RF forward - Lock LF behind RF
7&8 	Shuffle forward RF, LF, RF
25-32 	Cross, Side, Back Rock Step, Step, Lock, Shuffle Fwd,
1-2 	Cross LF in front of RF - RF to the right
3-4 	Rock LF crossed behind RF - Return on RF
5-6 	LF forward - Lock RF behind LF
7&8 	Shuffle forward LF, RF, LF
33-40 	Step, Scuff, Step, Scuff, Rock Step, Coaster Step,
1-2 	RF forward - Scuff LF forward
3-4 	LF forward - Scuff RF forward
5-6 	Rock forward on RF - Return on LF
7&8 	RF back - LF next to RF - RF forward
41-48 	M : Rock Step, Triple Step, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Shuffle Fwd,
	W : Step, 1/2 Turn, Triple Step, Walk, Walk, Shuffle Fwd,
	Do not release the hands, the woman passes in front of the man under the left arms
1-2 	M : Rock forward on LF - Return on RF W : L forward - 1/2 turn to the right and R to the right
	Man facing L.O.D. and woman facing R.L.O.D.
	Double Cross Hand Hold Position, left hands over right hands
3&4 	Triple Step LF, RF, LF, in place
	Release right hands ,the man passes under the left arms
5-6 	M : 1/4 turn to the right and RF forward - 1/4 turn to the right and LF back
	W : RF forward - LF forward
	Sweetheart Position, facing R.L.O.D the woman to the right of the man
7&8 	Shuffle slowly forward RF, LF, RF
49-56 	M : Behind, Side, Shuffle Fwd, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Fwd,
	W : Side, Behind, Shuffle Fwd, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Fwd,
	Do not release the hands, the man passes behind the woman
1-2 	M : Cross LF behind RF - RF to the right W : LF to the left - Cross RF behind LF
	Left Sweetheart Position, facing R.L.O.D. the woman to the left of the man
3&4 	Shuffle forward LF, RF, LF
5-6 	RF forward - Pivot 1/2 turn to the left
	Sweetheart Position, facing L.O.D.
7&8 	Shuffle forward RF, LF, RF
57-64 	M : Walk, Walk, Shuffle Fwd, Step, Pivot 1/4 Turn, Triple Step.
	W : 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Fwd, 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Triple Step.
	Release left hands, the woman passes under the right arms
1-2 	M : LF forward - RF forward W : 1/2 turn to the R and L behind - 1/2 turn to the right and RF fwd
	You are facing L.O.D. keeping right hands up
3&4 	Shuffle forward LF, RF, LF
	Pass the right arms over the woman’s head
5-6 	M : RF forward - 1/4 turn to the right and LF to the left
	W : 1/2 turn to the left and RF behind - 1/4 turn to the left and LF to the left
	Retake the starting position, facing O.L.O.D.
7&8 	Triple Step RF, LF, RF, in place
Tag 	After the 2nd routine, do the first 14 counts. Replace
	The Shuffle with LF, 1/4 turn to the right and RF next to LF
	Restart the dance from the beginning