Bump-n-Grind x 2
LOD=LINE OF DANCE, ILOD=INSIDE LINE OF DANCE, OLOD=OUTSIDE, RLOD= REVERSESIDE TAPS, WALK FORWARD1-2 Tap Right to Right, Bring Right back & Tap next to Left 3-4. Repeat 1-2 5-8. Walk forward R-L-R, Tap LeftROLL HIPS, WALK FORWARD9-12 Roll hips CCW 2 times with weight on right, (Forward Left, Back right) 13-16 Walk Forward L-R-L, Tap right next to left.HIP BUMPS17&18 Step R forward to right diagonal, bump hips R-L-R shifting weight forward to R 19&20 Bump hips left, right, left shifting weight back to left foot 21&22 Place R back to right back diagonal, bump hips L-R-L shifting weight back to R 23&24 Bump hips left, right, left shifting weight forward to left4 1/4 TURNS CCW, END IN SWEETHEART POSITION25-26 Step right forward, turn ¼ left shifting weight to left (Man step forward & to the Leftof Lady & bring right arm over Lady's head, Now facing ILOD) 27-28 Step right forward, turn ¼ left shifting weight to left (Mannow to the right of the Lady, Release her right hand & pick up her Left hand in your left. Now facing RLOD) 29-30 Step right forward, turn ¼ left shifting weight to left, (Man brings leftarm over lady's head, Both facing OLOD & pick up lady's right hand 31-32 Step right forward, turn ¼ left shifting weight to left (Man now on lady's Left side in Sweetheart position facing LOD) option on this turn drop hands and turn independent of each other TRIPLE RIGHT, ROCK STEP, TRIPLE LEFT, ROCK STEP, 1/4 TURN CW 33&34 Step right to right side, step together with left, step right to right side 35-36 Rock back with ball of left, recover weight forward to right 37&38 Step left foot to left side, step together with right, step left to left side (Turn 1/4 CW to face OLOD, In Sweetheart position, Man on right side of Lady) 39-40 Rock back with ball of right, recover weight forward to left (Facing OLOD)KICK BALL CHANGE, KICK BALL CHANGE, STEP, HOLD, 1/4 TURN LEFT, HOLD41&42 Kick forward with R, rock back with ball of R, recover weight forward to L 43&44 Kick forward with R, rock back with ball of R, recover weight forward to L 45-46 Step forward with right, hold 47-48 Turn 1/4 left shifting weight to L, hold allowing right leg to come closer to the left leg. as you make this turn it will move you back into tandem position START AGAIN
C.D's from HONKYTONK JUKEBOX - [44] 01604 582020- www.westerndance.co.uk Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Roberthttp://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk June 2002