Choreographed by Randy Pelletier & Doreen Ollari – March 2017 413-366-1540 Randy@OneEyedParrot.Org Description 32 Count , Partner Dance Man’s footwork listed. Woman’s footwork opposite unless otherwise noted. Starts side by side single hand hold Music: Soldier - High Valley - Intro: Start on Lyrics 1-8 3 FORWARD TWISTING SHUFFLES, ¼ RIGHT, TOUCH 1&2 Shuffle forward right (RLR) while turning back to back with partner 3&4 Shuffle forward left (LRL) while facing partner and touching man’s left hand to woman’s right 5&6 Shuffle forward right (RLR) while turning back to back with partner 7-8 Turning ¼ right to face partner step left to left side, touch right next to left Men take ladies R hand with their L hand at waist level on count 8 (Double hand hold) 9-16 MODIFIED RHUMBA BOX 1-2 Step right to side, step left beside right, 3&4 Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward (Shuffle) 5-6 Step left to side, step right beside left 7&8 Step side left, step right beside left, step left back (Shuffle) Men release ladies left hand MAN'S STEPS 17-24 ¼ RIGHT STEP, ROCK, RECOVER, ¼ LEFT SIDE STEP, CROSS ROCK, RECOVER, COASTER 1-4 Turning ¼ right step fwd on right, rock fwd on left, recover to right, turn ¼ left stepping to side 5-6 Rock right across left, recover weight to left 7&8 Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward Men raise ladies right hand over her head as she turns (counts 3 -4), and lowers hand and enters closed position 25-32 WEAVE, SIDE, BEHIND, ¼ LEFT SHUFFLE 1-4 Step left to side, step right behind, step left to side, cross right in front 5-6 Step left to side, step right behind 7&8 Turn ¼ left Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward Men raise woman’s right hand after count 4 as woman begins turn, and does hand change releasing her right hand and taking her left hand in his right at waist level on counts 7&8 to begin dance. WOMAN'S STEPS 17-24 ¼ LEFT STEP, ½ LEFT PIVOT, ¼ LEFT SIDE STEP, BACK ROCK, RECOVER, FWD COASTER 1-4 Turn ¼ left step forward on left, step forward on right, turn ½ left, turn ¼ left stepping right to side 5-6 Rock left foot behind right, recover weight to right 7&8 Step left forward, step right next to left, step left back 25-32 WEAVE, ¼ TURN RIGHT, ½ TURN RIGHT, ½ SHUFFLE FORWARD 1-4 Step right to side, step left across, step right to side, step left behind 5-6 Turn ¼ right stepping forward on right, turn ½ right stepping back on left 7&8 Turn 1/4 right stepping right forward, Turn 1/4 right stepping left fwd, step right fwd Repeat March 2017 All Rights Reserved.