Choreographer Jackie Levesque
Description 40 Count, Two Wall Intermediate Line Dance
Music Dancin' Cowboys - Bellamy Brothers 120 BPM
Feelin' Kinda Lonely Tonight - Shelby Lynn 138 BPM

1&2 Cross LEFT over RIGHT [weight on LEFT], Drag RIGHT to LEFT, Step LEFT forward
3&4 Cross RIGHT over LEFT [weight on RIGHT], Drag LEFT to RIGHT, Step RIGHT forward
5&6 Cross LEFT over RIGHT [weight on LEFT], Drag RIGHT to LEFT, Step LEFT forward
7&8 Cross RIGHT over LEFT [weight on RIGHT], Drag LEFT to RIGHT, Step RIGHT forward
9-11 Vine LEFT (step LEFT, RIGHT behind, step LEFT)
12 Kick RIGHT
13-15 Vine RIGHT (step RIGHT, LEFT behind, step RIGHT)
16 Stomp LEFT next to RIGHT [weight on RIGHT]
17&18 Step LEFT  to side, Bring RIGHT next to LEFT, Step LEFT to side
19-20 Rock back on RIGHT, Step down on LEFT
21&22 Step RIGHT to side, Bring LEFT  next to RIGHT, Step RIGHT to side
23-24 Rock back on LEFT, Step down on RIGHT
25-26 Touch LEFT out to side, Cross LEFT in front of RIGHT
27-28 Touch RIGHT out to side, Cross RIGHT in front of LEFT
29-30 Touch LEFT out to side, Cross LEFT in front of RIGHT
31-32 Touch RIGHT out to side, Bring RIGHT home next to LEFT
33 Step LEFT  slightly [about 8"] forward [place  at 45 degree angle]
34 Rock or pivot R hip to the R [you should be standing straight, but at 1/8 turn to the R]
35 Step LEFT  slightly [about 8"] forward [place  at 45 degree angle]
36 Rock or pivot R hip to the R [you should be standing straight, but at 1/8 turn to the R]
37 Step LEFT  slightly [about 8"] forward [place  at 45 degree angle]
38 Rock or pivot R hip to the R [you should be standing straight, but at 1/8 turn to the R]
39 Step LEFT  slightly [about 8"] forward [place  at 45 degree angle]
40 Rock or pivot R hip to the R [you should be standing straight & have completed a 1/2 turn to the R]
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk June 2001