Bucket Seats Choreographed by Dan Albro (11/6/2014) mishnockbarn@gmail.com www.mishnockbarn.com Description 32Count,IntermediatePartnerPatternDance Start: Back to back (bucket to bucket) man facing ILOD, ladies facing OLOD Man’s footwork described, ladies opposite except where noted. Intro: Music: Somewhere In My Car -Keith Urban (118 bpm) 32 count, start with vocals1‐8 STEP, ½ PIVOT*, SHUFFLE SIDE, ROCK, REPLACE, SHUFFLE SIDE 1,2,3&4 Step fwd R, pivot ½ left weight on L (to face partner), step side R, step L next to R, Step side R Hands: picking up ladies left hand in your right as you shuffle side 5,6,7&8 Cross rock L behind R, replace weight on R, Step side L, step R next to L, step side L Hands: release ladies left hand and pick up her right in your left as you shuffle side9-16 CROSS ROCK, REPLACE, SHUFFLE FWD, ¾ PINWHEEL STYLE TURN 1,2,3&4 Cross rock R behind L, replace weight on L, step fwd R, step L next to R, step fwd R Hands Man’s right hand on lady’s back, Lady’s left hand on man’s right shoulder, man’s left hand in lady’s right hand shoulder almost touching 5-6 Turn 1/4 right stepping forward L, Turn 1/4 right stepping Fwd R 7&8 Turn ¼ right stepping back L, step R next to L, step back L (man now facing FLOD, ladies BLOD)17-24 BACK, BACK, SHUFFLE BACK, ROCK, REPLACE, SHUFFLE FWD (LADIES PIVOT, SHUFFLE TURN) 1,2,3&4 Step back R, step back L, step back R, step L next to R, step back R 5,6,7&8 Rock back on L, replace weight on R, small step fwd L, step R next to L, small step fwd L 5-6 ladies Step fwd R, pivot ½ left weight on L (facing FLOD) 7&8 Turn ¼ left stepping side R, step L next to R, turn ¼ left stepping back L (facing BLOD)25-32 FWD, FWD, SHUFFLE FWD, FWD, FWD, SHUFFLE FWD (LADIES 1 ½ TURN) 1,2,3&4 Step fwd R, step fwd L, step fwd R, step L next to R, step fwd R 5,6,7&8 Step fwd L, Step fwd R, step fwd L, step R next to L, step fwd L 5-6 ladies Turn ½ right stepping fwd R (facing FLOD), turn ½ right stepping back on L (facing BLOD) 7&8 Turn ¼ right stepping side R, step L next to R, turn ¼ right stepping fwd R (facing FLOD)*Please note: the dance doesn’t return to back to back…you will need to pivot a ¾ turn on count 2 Of the dance as you repeat the pattern. January 2015