Boys Will Be Boys

Choreographed by 	Gaye Teather (UK) (January 2009)
Description 	Beginner: 4 Wall Line Dance (32 counts)
Music 		That Don’t Make Me A Bad Guy by Toby Keith
		144 bpm. 12 count intro. Start on word "Bad"
		CD: That Don’t Make Me A Bad Guy ~ Get CD Here
		Dance rotates in CCW direction
	Kick forward. Kick side. Triple step (x 2)
1-2 	Kick Right forward. Kick Right to Right side
3&4 	Triple step on the spot stepping Right. Left. Right
5-6 	Kick Left forward. Kick Left to Left side
7&8 	Triple step on the spot stepping Left. Right. Left
	Weave Left. Cross rock. Triple step
1-2 	Cross Right over Left. Step Left to Left
3-4 	Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left
5-6 	Cross rock Right over Left. Recover onto Left
7&8 	Triple step on the spot stepping Right. Left. Right
	Weave Right. Cross rock. Triple quarter turn Left
1-2 	Cross Left over Right. Step Right to Right
3-4 	Cross Left behind Right. Step Right to Right
5-6 	Cross rock Left over Right. Recover onto Right
7&8 	Triple step making quarter turn Left stepping Left. Right. Left (Facing 9 o’clock)
	Rocking chair. Step. Hold & clap. Step. Hold & clap
1-2 	Rock forward on Right. Recover onto Left
3-4 	Rock back on Right. Recover onto Left
5-6 	Step forward on Right. Hold & clap
7-8 	Step forward on Left. Hold & clap
	Start again
Note: 	This dance was choreographed to provide a floor split with the Intermediate dance
	"Not A Bad Guy" to the same music
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert February 2009