Boys & Girls.

Choreographed by 	Mick Harris. (
Description 	64 count partner dance. Start facing L.O.D. with hands held at
		Shoulder height with man behind lady and standing slightly to the left.
Music: 		Boy & A Girl Thing—Mo Pitney. Intro: 16 beats in from steady beat (on vocal).

	Walk Fwd. X 4, ¼ Turn Left X 2, Walk Back X 2 .
1-4 	walk fwd. L,R.L R
5-8 	turn ¼ L stepping fwd. on L, turn ¼ L stepping back on R. Walk back L,R.
Lady 	½ Turn R, Step Back, ¼ Turn R X 2, Walk Fwd X 4.
1-2 	turn ½ R stepping fwd on L, step back on R.
3-4 	turn ¼ R stepping back on L, turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R.
5-8 	walk fwd. L,R,L,R. ( L.O.D.)
	Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Fwd Recover, ¼ Turn Shuffle R.(R.L.R.)
1-2 	step back rocking onto L, recover on R.
3&4 	step fwd on L, step R next to L, step fwd on L.
5-6 	step fwd rocking onto R, recover on L.
7&8 	turn ¼ R stepping back on R, step L next to R, step R in place. (Release R hands)
Lady 	Step Pivot ½, Shuffle ½ Turn R, Rock Back, Recover, ¾ Shuffle Turn R.
1-2 	step fwd. on L, pivot turn ½ R.
3&4 	shuffle ½ turn R. (L.R.L,)
5-6 	step back rocking on to R, recover on L.
7&8 	¾ shuffle turn L (R.L.R.) (O.L.O.D.) (Release R hands)
	Rock, Recover, Step Fwd ¼ R , Step, Cross Point X 2.
1-2 	stepping back rock onto L, recover on R.
3-4 	long step fwd on L turning ¼ R (passing behind lady), step R next to L.
5-6 	step L across R, point R out to R side.
7-8 	step R across L, point L out to L side. (L.O.D.)
Lady 	Rock, Recover, Step Fwd Turning ¼ R, Step, Cross Point X 2.
1-2 	step back rocking onto L, recover on R.
3-4 	step fwd. on L turning ¼ L, step R next to L. (passing in front of man).
5-6 	step L across R, point R out to R side.
7-8 	step R across L, point L out to L side.
	Sweep Turn ¼ R, Step, Sway L & R, Step ¼ L, Walk Fwd, Walk Fwd L,R.
1-2 	sweep L fwd and around R turning ¼ R, step R next to L. (into Indian position)
3-4 	sway L, sway R.
5-6 	step L to L side turning ¼ L, step fwd on R. (L.O.D.)
7-8 	walk fwd L,R.
Lady 	Sweep Turn ¼ R, Step ,Sway L & R, Step ¼ L, Turn ½ L, Turn1/2 L, Step Fwd.
1-2 	sweep L fwd and around R turning ¼ R, step R next to L.
3-4 	sway L, sway R.
5-6 	turn ¼ L stepping L to L side, turn ½ L stepping fwd on R. ( drop L hands)
7-8 	turn ½ L stepping back on L, step fwd on R. ( pick up L hands into Indian position)
	Rocking Chair, Step ¼ R, Behind, Side, Touch.
1-4 	step fwd rocking on to L, recover on R, step back rocking onto L, recover on R.
5-6 	step fwd on L turning ¼ R, step R behind L.
7-8 	step L to L side, touch R beside L. ( O.L.O.D.)
	Rocking Chair, Side , Behind, Side, Touch.
1-4 	step fwd rocking onto R, recover on L, step back rocking onto R, recover on L.
5-6 	step R to R side, step L behind R.
7-8 	step R to R side, touch L beside R.
	Rock , Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn, Rock , Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn.
1-2 	step fwd rocking on to L, recover on R. ( drop L hands)
3&4	 turn ¼ L stepping back on L, step R next to L, turn ¼ L stepping fwd on L (pick up L hands)
5-6 	step fwd rocking onto R, recover on L. ( drop L hands )
7&8	 turn ¼ R stepping back on R, step L next to R , turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R. (pick up L hands)
	Cross Rock, Recover, Step ¼ L Walk Fwd R, Sway, Sway, Sway, Sway.
1-2 	cross rock L over R, recover on R.
3-4 	step L to L side turning ¼ L, walk fwd on R. (L.O.D.)
5-6 	sway L, sway R.
7-8 	sway left while stepping slightly back, sway R.
	Start Again.					January 2016