Bonnie & Clyde
Choreographed by Joe Green 02/02
Description     48 count, 2 wall, intermediate level
Music Modern Day Bonnie & Clyde - Travis Tritt,(92 bpm) Start on first note, about 2 seconds after Travis
Mum Second To None by Dave Sheriff. (88 bpm) with longer intro. 32c)

	Grapevine right. L. heel ball cross. L. heel ball cross.
1-2 	Right to right side. Left behind right.
3-4 	Right to right side Left touch together
5&6 	Left heel forward left diag.. & Left together Cross Right over left.
7&8 	Left heel forward left diag.. & Left together Cross Right over left.
	Vine left with 1/2 Vaudeville. Full vaudeville crosses.
9-10 	Left to left side. Right behind left.
&11& 	Left back diag.. Right heel forward diag.. 
12&	Right together. Left over right.
&13& 	Right back right diag..Left heel forward left diag..
14&	Left together.Cross Right over left.
&15& 	Left back left diag.Right heel forward right diag..
16&	Right together.Cross Left over right.
	R.side rock. Rec. R. behind. 1/4 Lt. with L. fwd. R. fwd. L. fwd . rock. Rec.L. back coaster.
17-18 	Right rock to right side. Recover to left foot.
19&20 	Right behind left. 1/4 turn left with Left forward. step Right forward.
21-22 	Left rock forward. Recover to Right 
23-24 	Left step back. Right step together.Left step forward.

	R. and L. sailor steps. R. and L. cross rocks.
25&26 Right behind left. & Left to left side. Right in place.
27&28 Left behind right..& Right to right side. Left in place.
29&30 Right cross rock over left & Recover weight to left. Step Right together
31&32 Left cross rock over right & Recover weight to right. Step Left together.
	R. and L. back shuffles. Heel switches with 1/4 turn left.
33&34 	Step Right back. Left together. Right back.
35&36 	Step Left back. Right together. Left back.
&37&38 Right back. Left heel forward. & Left together. Right heel forward.
&39&40 Right together. Left heel forward & Left together Right heel forward. (now facing back wall)
NOTE 	During steps &37 to 40 make 1/4 turn left. (and maybe some "Bang Bang" hand moves)
	Touch. Chasse right. L. kick ball cross. Chasse left. R. kick ball cross.
&41&42&Touch R. toe together. Step Right to right side. & Step Left together, Step Right to right side.
43&44 	Left kick forward left diag.. & Step Left in place. Step Right over left.
45&46 	Step Left to left side. & Step Right together Step Left to left side.
47&48 	Right kick forward right diag.. & Step Right in place. Step Left over right.
Start again
To phase with Travis Tritt track.
Leave out last eight counts on instumental section. 5th wall facing back.
 C.D's from HONKYTONK JUKEBOX - [44] 01604 582020- 
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert February 2002