Blue Shoe Shuffle

Choreographed by	June Wilson 1989
Description4	6 Count, Partner dance in Sweetheart position
Music		Waiting for those times to get better - Joe Sun
		Jones on the Jukebox - Becky Hobbs
		I wouldn't change you if I could - Ricky Skaggs

1-2 	Touch right heel forward, Touch right toe in place
3-4 	Touch right heel forward, Right step in place
5-6 	Touch left heel forward, Touch left toe in place
7-8 	Touch left heel forward, Left step in place (shift weight to left)
9 -10 	Hitch right leg up :behind left leg, Step right with right
11-12 	Hitch left leg up behind right leg, Step left with left f
13-14 	Hitch right leg up behind left leg, Step right with right foot
15-16 	Left step behind right, Step right on right

17-18 	Hitch left leg up behind right leg, Step left with left
19 	Hitch right leg up behind left leg,
20-21 	Tap right toe to rear twice
22-24 	Tap right heel forward three times
25-26 	Tap right heel to rear twice
27-28 	Step forward with right (Drop right hands, raise left) Pivot 1/2 turn to left,
	(rejoin right hands behind gents back )
29&30 	Right shuffle [RLOD]
31&32 	Left shuffle

33-34 	Step forward with right (Drop right hands, raise left) Pivot 1/2 turn to left
	(Resume sweetheart position, facing LOD)
35&36 	Right shuffle
37&38 	Left shuffle
39&40Right shuffle
41&42 	Left shuffle
43&44 	Right shuffle
45&46 	Left Shuffle
	BEGIN AGAIN  			September 2000