Blue Neon

Choreographed by  Johnny Montana (November 1993)
Description 4 wall line dance, 68 beats, 90 steps/movements.
Music Eat at Joes - Suzy Bogguss
Same Ol Me - Charlie Daniels,
Take it Back - Reba Mclntire,
Giving Water to a Drowning Man - Lee Roy Parnell,

 	Syncopated toe-heel touches /steps in place
1& 	Touch right toe to right side. step right next to left.
2& 	Touch left heel forward, step left next to right.
3& 	Touch right heel forward, step right next to left
4& 	Touch left toe to left side, step left next to right
5& 	Touch right heel forward, Step right next to left
6& 	Touch left heel forward, step left next to right.
7-8 	Touch right toe to right side. touch right toe next to left.
	Walk, Walk, Kick-ball-cross
9-10 	Step forward right, left
11&12 	Kick right forward, step right next to left. Cross left over right & step
	Hip bumps, Touch
13&14 	Step to right side on right and bump hips to right, left, right.
15&16 	Bump hips to left, right, left
17-20 	Bump hips right, left, right, touch Left next to right
	Rolling Grapevine (Rolling Vine or 3 point turn) to left
21-22 	Step to left side on left, pivoting 1/2 turn to left (CCW) and step onto right.
23-24 	Pivoting on right make a 1/2 turn to left (CCW) and step onto left, touch right next to left
	Kick-Ball Changes
25&26 	Kick right forward, step right in place, step left next to right.
27&28 	Kick right forward, step right in place, step left next to right.
	Rolling, Grapevine (Rolling Vine or 3 point turn) to right
29-30 	Step to right side on right, pivoting on right make a 1/2 turn to right (CW) and step onto left
31-32 	Pivoting on left make a 1/2 turn right (CW) and step on right, touch left next to right.
	Syncopated toe-heel touches/steps in place
33& 	Touch left toe to left side, step left next to right.
34& 	Touch right heel forward, step right next to left
35& 	Touch left heel forward, step left next to right.
36& 	Touch right toe to right side. step right next to left
37& 	Touch left heel forward, step left next to right.
38& 	Touch right heel forward, step right next to left.
39-40 	Touch left toe to right side. touch left toe next to right
	Walk, Walk, Kick-ball cross
41-42 	Step forward left, right.
43&44 	Kick left forward, step left in place, step right over left
	Hip bumps, Touch
45&46 	Step to left to left side & bump hips left, right, left.
47&48 	Bump hips to right, left, right.
49-52 	Bump hips toleft, right, left, touch right toe next to right
	Rolling, Grapevine (Rolling Vine or 3 point turn) to right
53-54 	Step to right side on right, pivoting on right make a 1/2 turn to right (CW) and step onto left
555-56 	Pivoting on left make a 1/2 turn right (CW) and step on right, touch left next to right
	Kick Ball Changes
57&58 	Kick left forward, step left in place, step right next to left.
59&60 	Kick left forward, step left in place, step right next to left.
	Rolling Grapevine (Rolling Vine or 3 point turn) to left
61-62 	Step to left side on left, pivoting 1/2 turn to left (CCW) and step onto right.
63-64 	Pivoting on right make a 1/2 turn to left (CCW) and step onto left, touch right next to left
	Step, Turn, Step, Turn
65-66 	Step forward onto right, pivot 1/4 turn left (CCW) and transfer weight to left.
67-68 	Step forward onto right, pivot 1/2 turn to left (CCW) and transfer weight to left.
	Begin Dance Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2002