Blue Jeans Hook
Choreographed by Eddie McIntosh (Scotland) 09/04  - (0)1423 339022, -
Description  64 Count 4 wall line dance -- Intermediate. Start on vocals
Music  Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk - Dr Hook.
Available on Dr Hook "The Singles" Album or Dr Hook Gold

	Walk, Walk, Bump and Bump, Walk, Walk, Bump and Bump
1-2 	Walk forward right, walk forward left
3&4 	Bump right hips forward and back and forward
5-6 	Walk forward left, walk forward right
7&8 	Bump left hips forward and back and forward
	Step, Pivot, Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle, Side, Turn Hook
9-10 	Step forward right, pivot 1/2 turn left
11-12 	Rock right to side, recover on to left
13&14 	Cross right over left and step left to side, cross right over left
15&16 	Step left to side turning 1/4 right and hook right in front of left
	Rock Forward, Recover, Coaster Step, Rock Side, Recover, Sailor 1/4 Turn
17-18 	Step right forward, recover on to left
19-20 	Step right back, step left beside right and step right forward
21-22 	Step left to side, recover on to right
23-24 	Step left behind right, step right to side turning 1/4 right and step left forward
	Step, Pivot, Right Shuffle, Step, Pivot, Left Shuffle
25-26 	Step forward right, pivot 1/2 turn left
27-28 	Step forward right, step left beside right and step right forward
29-30 	Step forward left, pivot 1/2 turn right
31&32 	Step forward left, step right beside left and step forward left
	Side, Behind & Heel & Cross, Side Behind & Heel & Cross
33-34 	Step right to side, step left behind right
&35 	Step right to side, dig left heel to left diagonal
&36 	Step left in place, cross right over left
37-38 	Step left to side, step right behind left
&39 	Step left to side, dig right heel to right diagonal
&40 	Step right in place, cross left over right
	Side, Clap, Turn, Clap, Turn, Clap, Turn, Clap
41-42 	Step right to side, hold & clap
43-44 	Pivot 1/2 turn left on right foot while stepping left to left side, hold & clap
45-46 	Pivot 1/2 turn left on left foot while stepping right to right side, hold & clap
47-48 	Pivot 1/2 turn left on right foot while stepping left to left side, hold & clap (6 o'clock)
	Grapevine Right, Full Turn, Grapevine Left, 1/4 Turn (Figure of 8 Vine)
49-50 	Step right to side, step left behind right
51-52 	Step right turning 1/4 turn right, step forward left turning 1/4 turn right
53-54 	Step right turning 1/4 turn right, step forward left turning 1/4 turn right
55-56 	Cross right behind left, step left forward turning 1/4 turn left (3 o'clock)
	Side, Together, Cross, Knee Pop, Side, Together, Cross, Knee Pop
57-58 	Step right to side, slide left beside right
59&60 	Cross right over left, push both knees diagonally to left and return
61-62 	Step left to side, slide right beside left
63&64 	Cross left over right, push knees diagonally right and return
	Start Over
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
    February 2005