Blue 2 3 (Partner 2S Waltz)

Choreographed by 	John Sandham & Krys - July 2017
Description 	48 Count 2 Step Waltz Start in Skaters position Leader on the inside facing LOD
		Rt hand around partners waist over partners Lt hand around leaders waist
Music: 		Blue Ain't your Colour - Keith Urban
		Or any fast waltz

sec 1 .
1-6 	slow walk Lt- then Rt - waltz Lt 2 3 -then Rt 2 3

sec 2.
1-6 	slow walk Lt-then Rt -Waltz Lt 2 3 -then Rt 2 3.

sec 3.
1-6 	slow cross Lt- then walk Rt- waltz Lt 2 3 -then Rt 2 3.
	( bring your partner across to your Lt side as partner crosses Rt dia & pivots a 1/2 turn Lt
	to come onto your left side catch her with lt hand around waist then continue Fwd)

sec 4 	bring your partner across to your Rt side
1-6 	Slow Lt in place-then cross Rt. waltz Lt 2 3 - then Rt 2 3
	( catch with Rt hand on partners back this time)

sec 5. 	shorten your steps as you lead your partner 1/2 turn to her Lt into closed
1-6 	Slow Lt-Slow Rt (now in Closed) waltz Fwd Lt 2 3 -Fwd Rt 2 3.

sec 6. 	continue fwd
1-6 	Slow Lt-slow Rt - Fwd Rt 2 3 -Fwd Lt 2 3

sec 7. 	leader make a 1/2 turn RT
1-6 	Slow Lt-Slow 1/2 turn Rt- waltz Bk Lt 2 3 -Waltz Bk Rt 2 3 .

sec 8. 	leader make a 1/2 turn Lt (lady no turn)
1-6 ) 	slow Lt-1/2 Turn Lt -Waltz Fwd Lt 2 3-waltz Fwd Rt 2 3 .
	resume arms around the waist as you start over !
						August 2017