
Choreographer 	Lois Lightfoot July 2007
Description 	2 Wall 48 count Improver, Intermediate line dance.
Music 		Blockbuster - Sweet from the best of sweet, available on I tunes
		Hit the floor 6, Glen Rogers contact Glen Rogers at DANZDEVIL.COM
Intro 		32 counts from start of the beat, or 16 counts from heavy back beat.
		Its 16 counts from the start of the vocals.
Sec 1 	Rock Fwd, recover, coaster step right, Rock Fwd, Recover, coaster step left.
1-2 	Rock right forward, Recover weight onto left.
3&4 	Step right back, Step left next to right, Step right forward.
5-6 	Rock left forward, Recover weigh onto right.
7&8 	Step left back, Step right next to left, Step left forward.
Sec 2 	Shuffle Fwd right, Left, Step Fwd pivot ¼ turn left, Pivot ½ turn left.
9&10 	Step right forward, Step left next to right, Step right forward.
11&12 	Step left forward, Step right next to left, Step left forward.
13-14 	Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn to left.
15-16 	Step right forward pivot ¼ turn to left.
Sec 3 	Step side, Behind, & across & across, Step side, Behind, & across & across.
17-18 	Step right to right side, Step left behind right.
&19&20 	Step right to side, Step left across right, Step right to side Step left across right.
21-22 	Step right to right side, Step left foot behind right.
&23&24 	Step right to side, Step left across right, Step right to side Step left across right.
Sec 4 	Rock side, Cross shuffle, Rock side ¼ turn right, step pivot ¾ turn right.
25-26 	Rock right out to right side, Recover weight onto left.
27&28 	Cross right over left, Step left to left side, Cross right over left.
29-30 	Rock left out to left side, Recover weight making ¼ turn to right.
31-32 	Step left forward pivot ¾ turn to right. End with weight on right.
Sec 5 	Step side, Behind, & across, Hold, Step aide behind, & across, Hold.
33-34 	Step left to left side, Step right behind left.
&35-36 	Step left to side, Step right across left, Hold for one beat, Clap hands twice.
37-38 	Step left to left side, Step right behind left.
&39-40 	Step left to side, Step right across left, Hold for one beat, Clap hands twice.
Sec 6 	Rock left side, Recover left coaster ¼ turn, Step pivot ½ turn, Walk Fwd right, left.
41-42 	Rock left to left side, Recover weigh onto right.
43&44 	Cross left behind right making ¼ turn to left, Step right to side, Step left in place.
45-46 	Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn to left.
47-48 	Step right forward, Step left forward.
NOTE 	On the two walks forward try a full turn to left to add some fun.
	Start again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert August 2007