Black Coffee
Choreographed by Helen O'Malley
Music Black Coffee - Lacy J. Dalton
Description 4 Wall Line Dance Beg/Int


Kick R Forward twice
3&4 Shuffle step in place R-L-R
5&6 Kick L forward twice
7&8 Shuffle step in place L-R-L,
9-12 Point right toe forward, pivot 1/8 turn to left, point right toe forward,
pivot 1/8 turn to left
13-14 Rock forward on R, rock back on L
15&16 Shuffle step R-I,-R in to 1/2 turn R
17-18 Rock forward on L, Rock back on R
19&20 Shuffle step L-R-L, into 1/2 turn L
21-24 R heel forward, replace. L heel forward, replace., R heel forward
(leave R heel forward) and clap hands
25-28 R step to right side (shimmy shoulders as you take step) L together, pause
29-32 Repeat steps 25-28.
33-36 Vine left (L-R-L) and scuff R.
37-38 Step R to R side, pause whilst clicking fingers shoulder-high in front
39 - 40 Cross L, behind R, pause whilst  clicking fingers behind hips
41- 42 Step R to R side, pause whilst clicking fingers shoulder high in front.
43- 44 Cross L in front of R, pause whilst clicking fingers behind hips
45- 46 Step forward on R, pivot 1/2 turn left.
47 - 48 Step forward on R, pivot 1/2 turn left.


Start Again Dec 1999