Bird Upon The Wind

Choreographer	Phil Johnson – Bridlington, England. January 2008.
		07989 176525 - partyzone –
Description 	34 Count, Four wall Intermediate Line Dance (ccw direction)
Music 		The River – Garth Brooks – CD:The Ultimate Hits: Also on Ropin’ The Wind;
		The Limited Series Box Set, The Hits and others. Intro 40 counts (80bbm).
		Listen to the song and see Garth at
Step right, ¼ left, cross right over left, ¼ left crossing left over right x 2; step right, 
step left back, rock back right recover, half turn left
1 	Long step right to right side;
2&3 	¼ turn Lt stepping Lt to LT side, cross step Rt over Lt, ¼ turn Lt cross stepping Lt over Rt;
4&5 	Long step right to right side, ¼ turn left stepping left to left side, cross step right over left;
6&7 	¼ turn left cross stepping left over right, step right to right side, step back on left;
8&9 	Rock back on right, recover weight forward on left (starting to ½ turn left), ½
	turn left stepping back on right.
Behind side cross, rock Rt and cross, Lt shuffle ¾ turn Rt, rock Rt Fwd recover ½ turn Rt
10&11 	Ronde left from front to cross step behind right, step right to right side, cross step left in front of right.
12&13 	Rock right to right side, recover weight on left, cross step right in front of left;
14&15 	¼ turn right stepping back on left, ½ turn right stepping right forward, step forward on left;
16&17 	Rock forward on right, recover weight back on left (starting to ½ turn right),
	½ turn right stepping forward on right
Left rocking chair, Jazz Box ¼ turn right, Cross rock left over right, recover, long step to left, 
rock back on right, recover, long step to right
18&19 	Rock forward on left, recover weight back on right, step back on left;
20&21 	Cross step right over left, ¼ turn right stepping back on left, step right to right side;
	(You will be moving slightly backwards during steps 20&21)
22&23 	Cross rock left over right, recover weight back on right, left long step to left;
24&25 	Rock back on right behind left, recover weight forward on left, long step right to right side.
Rock left back, recover, ¼ turn right, rock right back and forward, Step left forward pivot ½ turn right 
step left forward, cross rock right recover
26&27 	Rock back on left behind right, recover weight forward on right, ¼ turn right stepping back on left;
28&29 	Rock back on right, recover weight forward on left, step forward on right;
30&31 	Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right, step forward on left;
32& 	Cross rock right over left, recover weight back on left
33-34 	Stepping right to right side sway right left (dance ends with weight on left)

Tag – end of wall two (facing 6 0’clock)
Sway right, Rock back and step left, cross rock recover
1 	Sway right
2&3 	Rock back on left behind right, recover weight forward on right, step left to left side;
4& 	Cross rock right over left, recover weight back on left
	start again with long step to right
Restart on wall five (starting on home wall)
	After count 14&15 (triple shuffle turn left) you will be facing three 0’clock. Dance steps 32-34 –Cross rock recover, 
	sway right left - then start again with long step to right
	After the restart you will dance a wall to end face the home wall and there are then two walls and 11 counts left. 
	At the end of the next two walls miss out the last two steps (facing 9 and 6 0’clock – 33-34 sways right and left)
	Last wall will start at 6 o’clock. Dance to counts 8&9 to face home wall, then end on counts 10&11
	(behind side cross) as music fades
	Have Fun –Enjoy Garth Brooks
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert January 2008