Beer Time

Choreographed by 	Mick Harris (
Description 	64 count partner dance. Opposite footwork, mans steps shown except where
		Stated. ( section 8 ) Begin holding inside hands facing L.O.D.
Music 		Cold Beer Country - Toby Keith. CD: Hope On the Rocks. Intro -32 beats 
Alt. Music 	Every Storm ( Runs Out Of Rain) - Gary Allan. CD: Set You Free.
	Walk L,R, Shuffle, ¼ Turn Side Shuffle, ½ Turn Side Shuffle.
1-2 	walk fwd L.R.
3&4 	step fwd on L, step R next to L, step fwd on L.
5&6 	step fwd on R turning ¼ L, step L next to R, step R to R side. (back to back)
7&8 	turning ½ R step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side (OLOD). (facing partner)
	Behind, Step ¼, Shuffle Fwd, Behind , Side, Shuffle Fwd.
1-2 	step R behind L, step fwd on L turning 1/4L (LOD)
3&4 	step fwd on R, step L next to R, step fwd on R. (release hands}
5-6 	step L behind R, step R to R side ( changing sides- man passes behind lady).
7&8 	step fwd on L, step R next to L, step fwd on L. (pick up inside hands)
	Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, Recover, Shuffle Fwd.
1-2 	rock R out to R side, recover on L.
3&4 	step R across L, step L slightly to L side, step R across L. ( release hands)
	( changing sides – man passes behind lady).
5-6 	rock L out to L side, recover on R. ( pick up inside hands)
7&8 	step fwd on L, step R next to L, step fwd on
	Step, Kick Behind, Shuffle, Step Pivot, Shuffle ½ Turn
1-2 	step fwd on R, touch L ( outside foot) to ladies R kicking behind R and turning to L diagonal.
3&4 	shuffle fwd L.R.L . ( LOD) ( release hands )
5-6 	step fwd on R, pivot turn ½ L.
7&8 	shuffle ½ turn L ( R.L.R.)
	¼ Turn R Stepping R X 2, Step Pivot, Shuffle, Walk, Walk.
1-2	 turn ¼ R stepping back on L, turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R.
3-4 	step fwd on L, pivot turn ½ R.
5&6 	shuffle fwd L.R.L. ( pick up inside hands)
7-8 	walk fwd R,L.
	Step ½ Turn X 2, Walk Fwd R,L, Shuffle Fwd X 2.
1-2 	turn ½ L stepping fwd on R, turn ½ L stepping back on L. ( release hands)
3-4 	walk fwd R,L. ( pick up inside hands)
5&6 	step fwd on R, step L next to R, step fwd on R.
7&8 	step fwd on L, step R next to L, step fwd on L.
	Rock , Recover, Turning Shuffle, Step Pivot, Shuffle.
1-2 	rock fwd on R, recover on L.
3&4 	step back on R turning ¼ R, step L beside R, step R to R side turning ¼ R. ( RLOD )
5-6 	step fwd on L, pivot turn ½ R. ( LOD )
7&8 	step fwd on L, step R next to L, step fwd on L.
	R rocking chair, walk fwd R,L, shuffle.
1-2 	Step fwd rocking onto R, recover on L.
3-4 	Step back rocking onto R, recover on L.
5-6	 walk fwd R,L.
7&8 	step fwd on R, step L next to R, step fwd on R.
LADY. Section 8.
	Step pivot ½ R x 2, walk fwd L,R, shuffle.
1-2 	step fwd on L, pivot turn ½ R.
3-4 	step fwd on L, pivot turn ½ R.
5-6 	walk fwd L,R.
7&8 	step fwd on L, step R next to L, step fwd on L.