Beat Of The Music
Choreographed by Hélène Lavoie & Michel Auclair, Canada (2015) Description Dance partners Beginner-Intermediate 32 counts Hand in hand position R Shoulder to R shoulder Man and woman face to face LOD RLOD The steps of a man and woman are the same type, except where indicated Music: Beat Of The Music - Brett Eldridge - Intro 16 accounts Video H: Step, Together, Triple Step, 1/4 Turn, Turn 1/4, 1/2 Turn Shuffle, F: Step, Together, Triple Step, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Triple Step 1-2 right over - left beside right 3&4 Triple step right, left, right, on site Do not release your hands, make a pinwheel 1/2 turn right. 5-6 1/4 turn right stepping forward - 1/4 turn right and right over the man will get behind the woman 7&8 M: Shuffle left, right, left, 1/2 turn right F: Triple step left, right, left, up on Position Indian, facing LOD man behind the woman9-16 Step, Slide, Shuffle Fwd, Step, Slide, Shuffle Fwd, 1-2 Step forward - Slide left foot next to right 3&4 Shuffle right, left, right, advancing slightly diagonal right 5-6 L front - Slide right next to left 7&8 Shuffle left, right, left, advancing slightly diagonal left17-24 H: (Wizard Steps) X2, Rock Step, Coaster Step, F: (Wizard Steps) X2, Rock Step, Triple 1/2 Turn, 1-2& Step forward - the Lock left behind right - step right forward 3-4& Step forward - Lock the right behind left - step left forward 5-6 Rock right forward - recover to left Do not let go hands, pass the left arm above the head of the woman 7&8 H: Right behind - left beside right - right over F: Triple step right, left, right, 1/2 turn Right Position Double Cross Hand Hold, L crossed hands over the hands R Man and woman face to face LOD RLOD25-32 Rock Step, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Walk, Walk, Touch. 1-2 Rock forward - back on right Release hands. 3&4 Shuffle left, right, left, 1/2 turn left 5-6 Step forward - Pivot 1/2 turn left 7&8 Step forward - Step forward - Point R beside left Resume the starting position, man facing LOD and woman facing RLOD November 2015