Beach Party

Choreographed by

Al & Sandy Ord – St Neots UK(01480 351742 – ) Mar 2006
Description 56 Count Partner Dance – Start Side by Side (Sweetheart) Weight on Lt – Same footwork.
Music Desert Luau by David Ball – CD: Freewheeler

	Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle (sway the hips on rocks to create an Hawaiian mood)
1,2,3&4 	Rock Rt to Rt Side, Recover onto Lt, Cross Step Rt over Lt, Step Lt behind Rt, Cross Step Rt over Lt

	Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle (sway the hips on rocks to create an Hawaiian mood)
5,6,7&8 	Rock Lt to Lt Side, Recover onto Rt, Cross Step Lt over Rt, Step Rt behind Lt, Cross Step Lt over Rt
	Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle (sway the hips on rocks to create an Hawaiian mood)
9,10, 	Rock Rt to Rt Side, Recover onto Lt,
11&12 	Cross Step Rt over Lt, Step Lt behind Rt, Cross Step Rt over Lt
	Step Lt, Pivot ½ Turn Rt, Step Lt ¼ Turn Rt into a Side Shuffle
	On turns, release Lt and turn under raised Rt and rejoin in reverse tandem on side shuffle
13,14, 	Step Lt Fwd, Pivot ½ turn onto Rt (to RLOD),
15&16 	Step Lt Fwd making ¼ turn Rt to face ILOD but travelling to RLOD, Step Rt beside Lt, Step Lt to Lt Side
	Behind, Side, Cross Shuffle
	Still in reverse tandem facing ILOD but travelling to RLOD
17,18, 	Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt Side
19&20 	Cross Step Rt over Lt, Step Lt behind Rt, Cross Step Rt over Lt
	Side Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle
21,22, 	Rock Lt to Lt Side, Recover onto Rt,
23&24 	Cross Step Lt over Rt, Step Rt behind Lt, Cross Step Lt over Rt
	Step Rt ¼ Turn Lt, Step Lt ½ Turn Lt, Rt Shuffle Fwd (to LOD)
	On turns release Rt and turn under raised Lt, rejoin in sweetheart on shuffle
25,26, 	Step Rt to Rt Side making ¼ turn Lt (facing RLOD),
27&28 	Step Lt back making ½ turn Lt (facing LOD), Step Rt Fwd, Step Lt beside Rt, Step Rt Fwd
	Walk Lt, Walk Rt, Lt Shuffle Fwd
29,30, 	Step Fwd Lt, Rt,
31&32 S	tep Fwd Lt, Step Rt beside Lt, Step Fwd Lt
	Step Lock Shuffle to Rt Diagonal
33,34, 	Step Rt Diagonally Rt, Lock Lt behind Rt,
35&36 	Step Rt Diagonally Rt, Step Lt beside Rt, Step Rt diagonally Rt
	Step Lock Shuffle to Lt Diagonal
37,38, 	Step Lt Diagonally Lt, Lock Rt behind Lt,
39&40 	Step Lt Diagonally Lt, Step Rt beside Lt, Step Lt diagonally Lt

	Cross Rock, Recover, Side Shuffle Rt
41,42, 	Cross Rock Rt over Lt, Recover onto Lt,
43&44 	Step Rt to Rt Side, Step Lt beside Rt, Step Rt to Rt Side

	Cross Rock, Recover, Side Shuffle ¼ Turn Lt
	On shuffle turn release Rt and raise Lt over gents head and keep raised
45,46, 	Cross Rock Lt over Rt, Recover onto Rt,
47&48 	Step Lt to Lt Side, Step Rt beside Lt, Step Lt ¼ Turn Lt
	Step Rt, Pivot ¼ Turn Lt, Rt Shuffle ½ Turn Lt
	Pivot and shuffle turn under raised Lt and rejoin in sweetheart on back rock
49,50, 	Step Fwd Rt, Pivot ¼ turn Lt onto Lt
51&52 	Step Fwd Rt ¼ turn Lt, Step Lt beside Rt, Step Rt ¼ turn Lt

	Rock Back, Recover, Step Fwd, Touch Beside
53,54, 	Rock back on Lt, Recover Fwd onto Rt
55-56 	Step Fwd Lt, Touch Lt beside Rt
	Start Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert April 2006