Be My Friend         2 Pages

Choreographed By	Jim & Nen Godsal – 2019 ~ 01432 760592 ~
Description: 	64 Count Partner Dance, Opposite Feet Throughout, Man’s Steps Listed
		Unless Otherwise Stated Starting Position:Man Facing RLOD on Inside,
		Lady Facing LOD on Outside, Left Shoulders Offset, Man’s Left
		and Lady’s Right Hands Held
Music: 		To Be Your Man - Don Williams 112 bpm
	Back, Rock, ½ Turn Shuffle, Back, Rock, ½ Turn Shuffle
1-4 	Rock back on right, recover on left, passing left shoulders make ½ turn left on right shuffle
	to end still on inside facing LOD (Lady turns ½ turn right to end still on outside facing RLOD,
	right shoulders offset)
On count 3 raise Man’s left and Lady’s right hands over Lady’s head
5-8 	Rock back on left, recover on right, passing right shoulders make ½ turn right on left shuffle
	to end still on inside facing RLOD
	(Lady turns ½ turn left to end still on outside facing LOD, left shoulders offset ie start position)
On count 7 raise Man’s left and Lady’s right hands over Lady’s head
	¼ Turn, Step Together, ¼ Turn Shuffle, Step Pivot, Shuffle
9-12	Make ¼ turn right stepping right to side, step left together, make ¼ turn right on right
	shuffle into LOD, (Lady turns left to RLOD)
On count 9 release hands
13-16 	Step fwd left, pivot ½ turn right, left shuffle fwd (Lady pivots ½ turn left)
On count 16 re-join Man’s left and Lady’s right hands, Man still on inside facing RLOD,
Lady still on outside facing LOD, left shoulders offset ie start position
	Change Sides: Man: ½ Turn, Shuffle. Lady Diagonal Walk, Walk, Shuffle.
	Both: Walk, Walk, Shuffle
17-20 	Man: Passing around back of Lady, walk right, left, right shuffle making ½ turn left to
	end on outside facing LOD
	Lady: Walk forward diagonally left on left, right, left shuffle to end on inside facing LOD
On count 17 raise Man’s left and Lady’s right arms over Lady’s head, end holding inside hands
21-24 	Walk forward left, right, left shuffle
	¼ Turn, Behind, ¼ Turn, Step Fwd, ¼ Turn , Behind, ¼ Turn, Step Fwd
25-28 	Make ¼ turn left stepping right to side, cross left behind, make ¼ turn right
	stepping fwd right, step fwd left
On count 25 touch Man’s right and Lady’s left palms together, releasing on count 27
29-32 	Make ¼ turn left stepping right to side, cross left behind, make ¼ turn right
	stepping fwd right, step fwd left
On count 29 touch Man’s right and Lady’s left palms together, releasing on count 31
	Step ½ Pivot, ½ Turn Shuffle. Change Sides: ½ Turn, Walk, Shuffle
33-36 	Step fwd right, pivot ½ turn left, make ½ turn left on right shuffle
	(easier option: rock fwd right, recover on left, right triple step in place)
On count 34 release inside hands
37-40 	Man: Changing sides passing left shoulders, make ½ turn left walking round left,
	right, left shuffle to end on inside facing RLOD
	(Lady turning ½ right in front of Man to end on outside facing RLOD)
On count 37 join Man’s left and Lady’s right hands which Lady turns under
	Step, ¼ Pivot, Cross Shuffle, Side, Behind, Side, Cross
41-44 	Step fwd right, pivot ¼ turn left, cross shuffle right over left
On count 42 join Man’s right and Lady’s left hands for double hand hold
45-48 	Step left to side, cross right behind, step left to side, cross right in front
	¼ Turn, ½ Turn, Shuffle, Walk, Walk, Shuffle
49-52 	Make ¼ turn right stepping back left, make ½ turn right stepping fwd right into LOD, left shuffle fwd
On count 49 release Man’s right and Lady’s left hands. On count 50 release other hands.
On count 51 re-join inside hands
53-56 	Walk fwd right, left, right shuffle

	Man: Step ½ Pivot, Shuffle. Lady: Rock, Step, Shuffle.
	Both: Rock, Step, Together, Place
57-60 	Man: Step fwd left, pivot ½ turn right, left shuffle fwd to RLOD
	Lady: Rock fwd right, recover on left, right shuffle back
On count 58 release inside hands. On count 59 join left hands
61-64 	Man: Rock fwd right, recover on left, step right together, step left next to right (weight on)
	Lady: Rock back on left, recover on right, step left together, step right next to left (weight on)
	Start Again						May 2019