Be Mine

DESCRIPTION  2 Wall Beginner Linedance
MUSIC Baby Be Mine by Michael Jackson - CD Thriller 110 BPM 32 Beat intro - Starts on Vocals

Step ½ Pivot, Cross Shuffle, hip sways

1 - 2

Step Forward on Right, Pivot ½ to the left,

3 & 4

Cross right foot in front of Left, Close left to right, Cross right foot in front of left,

5 - 6

Stepping left to left side, sway hips left, Replacing weight on right sway hips to right

7 - 8

Replace weight on left, sway hips left, Replacing weight on right sway hips to right

Heel Strut, Heel Strut, Rock Forward on left, shuffle ½ left


Step forward with left heel, Drop left toe to floor

11 -12

Step forward with right heel, Drop right toe to floor

13 - 14

Rock forward on left, replace weight onto right

15 & 16

shuffle ½ turn to left, stepping left, right, left

Side, close, side, close, step to side, kick left, hip sways

17 & 18

Step to right, close left, step to right,

& 19 - 20

Close left, Step to right, Kick left across right,

21 - 22

Stepping left to left side, sway hips left, Replacing weight on right sway hips to right

23 - 24

Replace weight on left, sway hips left, Replacing weight on right sway hips to right

Side, close, side, close, kick ball step, left shuffle, Step ½ Pivot,

25 & 26

Step left to left, Close right to left, Step left to left,

& 27 & 28

Close right to left, Kick left, Step left next to right, step right forward

29 & 30

Step forward on left, close right to left, step forward on left,

31 - 32

Step Forward on Right, Pivot ½ to the left,

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert August 2004