1-3 Right vine - right, left, right
4 Scuff left
5-7 Left vine - left, right, left
8 Scuff right
9-11 Step to the back - right, left, right
12 Stomp left beside right
13-16 Moving to the right - toes first, then heels, then toes, then heels
17&18 Left shuffle forward - left, right, left
19&20 Right shuffle forward - right, left, right
21&22 Left shuffle forward - left, right, left
23&24 Right shuffle forward - right, left, right
25 Step left forward and turn 1/4 to the right to face outside LOD
26 Step right behind left
27 Step left forward and turn 1/4 to the left to face LOD
28 Scuff right
End of sequence