Bar Room Romeo'
Choreographer Ron Holliday.
Prepared by Stella Wilden. 64 Beats 66 Steps
Music Achy Breaky heart - Billy Ray Cyrus

I-4 Right Kick ball change. Right kick ball change
5- 6 Right step forward, keeping both feet on floor pivot 1/2 turn to left.
7- 8 Right step forward, keeping both feet on floor pivot 1/2 turn to left.
I-5 Rt step to Rt, Lt cross behind Rt. Rt step to Rt Lt cross In front of Rt. Rt step to Rt
6-7 Raise Lt knee across front of Rt leg & slap knee with Rt hand. (At 45 Angle), Replace to Lt side.
8 Raise left knee across front or right leg & slap Right with right hand. (At 45 Angle)
1- 5 Lt step to Lt side. Rt cross behind Lt, Lt step to Lt side Rt cross In front of Lt, Lt step to Lt side
6 -7 Raise Rt knee across front of Lt leg & slap with Lt hand. (At 45 angle). Replace to Rt side.
8 Raise Rt knee across front or Lt leg & slap with left hand. (At 45 Angle.)
1- 4 Step to side on Rt at 45 angle & bump Rt hip. Bump Rt hip Bump Lt hip. Bump left hip
5,6,7,8 Rotate hips twice in an anti-ciockwise direction. (Right to left.)
I - 2 Right heel touch forward. Right toe slap floor stepping on foot at the some time.
3 -4 Left heel touch forward. Left toe slap floor
5 - 6 Right heel touch forward. Right toe slap floor
7 -8 Left heel touch forward. Left toe slap floor.
1 - 4 Step Rt over Lt (Turning Jazz Box.) Step back onto left, Step Rtt to Rt making a 1/4 turn to Rt
Step In place Lt next Rt
5 - 8 Step Rt over Lt. Step back onto Lt Step Rt to Rt making a 1/4 turn to right Step In place Lt to Rt
1-2 Kick forward with right twice.
3&4 Step onto right . Step onto left (Weight changes ) step onto right
5 - 6 Kick forward with left foot twice.
7&8 Step onto left Step onto right . (Weight changes ) step onto left
1- 2 Right toe point forward to right side at 45 Step on right In front of left
3 -4 Left toe point forward to left side at 45 Step on left In front of right
5 - 6 Right toe point forward to right side at 45 Step on right foot In front of left
7 - 8 Left toe point forward to left side at 45, Step forward on left
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate,Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert December 2000