Bandy The Rodeo Clown

Choreographed by 	Germaine Martin & Claude Lemieux, Canada (2015)
Description 	32 Count Intrmediate Partner Dance in Closed Western Position
		The steps of a man and woman are of opposite type, except where indicated
Music: 		Bandy The Rodeo Clown _ Moe Bandy - Intro 8 counts
	MAN 					LADY
1-8 	H: Shuffle Fwd, Step, 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Back, 1/4 Turn, Cross,
	F: Shuffle Back, Back, 1/2 Turn, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Cross,
1&2 	Shuffle left, right, left, advancing 		Shuffle right, left, right, backwards
	Release the hand of man R and L hand of the woman
3-4 	Step fwd - 1/2 turn R and L back RLOD 		Left behind - 1/2 turn R stepping fwd LOD
	The woman passes under the left arm of the man and under his arm D 
5&6 	Shuffle R-L-R, backwards 			Shuffle L-R-L, 1/2 turn Right
	Position Left Open Promenade facing RLOD
7-8 	1/4 turn left and left to left - cross r over L 		1/4 turn R and right to right - cross L over R
	Position Open Double Hand Hold man and woman face to face OLOD ILOD
9-16 	1/4 Turn Shuffle And Back, Back, 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Fwd,
	Rock 1/4 Turn And Tap, Back 1/4 Turn,
	Release the hand of man R and Lof the woman hand
1&2 	1/4 turn right Shuffle L-R-L, backwards 		1/4 turn left Shuffle R-L-R, backwards
	Position Left Open Promenade facing RLOD - Release hands
3 4 	Right behind - 1/2 turn left stepping forward 	Left behind - 1/2 turn right stepping forward
	Position Right Open Promenade facing LOD
5&6 S	huffle R-L-R, advancing 			Shuffle L-R-L, forward
7 	1/4 turn right and rock left fwd OLOD 		1/4 turn to the left and rock right fwd ILOD
	Take the woman’s hand in Lthe hand of the woman R
8 1	/4 turn left and return to the R LOD 		1/4 turn right and return on left LOD
17-24 	Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Rock 1/4 Turn And Tap, Back 1/4 Turn,
	3/4 Turn Shuffle, Back Rock Step,
	Release hands
1&2 	Shuffle L-R-L, 1/2 turn left 			Shuffle R-L-R, 1 / 2 Turn Right
	Position Left Open Promenade facing RLOD
3 	1/4 turn to the left and rock right fwd 		1/4 turn right and rock left forward
	Take the woman’s hand in R, woma’s L
4 	1/4 turn right and return on left RLOD 		1/4 turn left and return to the R RLOD
	Release hands
5&6 	Shuffle R-L-R, 3/4 turn to right 			Shuffle L-R-L, 3/4 turn left
	Position Open Double Hand Hold man and woman face to face OLOD ILOD
7-8 	Rock left behind - Return on R 			Rock right behind - recover to L
25-32 	H: Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Turn 1/4, 1/4 Turn, Shuffle Fwd, Walk, Walk.
	F: Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Turn 1/4, 1/4 Turn, Turn 1/2 And Shuffle Back,. Back, Back
	Do not let go of the hands
	The woman passes under the left arm of the man and under his R arm 
1&2 	Shuffle L-R-L, 1/4 turn right 			Shuffle R-L-R, 1/4 turn left
	Position Wrap facing RLOD man outside the circle
3-4 	1/4 turn to right and right to right – 		1/4 turn to the right and left back
	1/4 turn right Step forward LOD 		1/4 turn right stepping forward LOD
	Do not let go of the hands, leaving the position Wrap
	The woman passes under the left arm of the man and under his R arm 
5&6 	Shuffle R-L-R, advancing 			1/2 turn right Shuffle L-R-L, backwards
	Resume the starting position
7-8 	Step forward - Step forward Step back - Step back	November 2015