Back in Time to Dance

Choreographed by 	Allen Matthias ~
Description: 	Partner Dance (32 Counts) Same footwork (Sweethearts)
Music: 		Bajo La Luna - Sparx
1-2 	Left to Left side, Together with Right
3&4 	Left shuffle forward
1-2 	Right to Right side, Together with Left
3&4 	Right shuffle back
1-2 	Rock back on left, Recover on right
3-4 	Step forward on left (making ¼ turn right)
5&6 	Right behind left, Step left to left side, Cross right over left
7-8 	Step left to the side (making ¼ turn right), Step back on right
1&2 	Left shuffle back,
3-4 	Rock back on right, Recover on left
5&6 	Shuffle half turn to left
7-8 	Rock back on Left, Recover on Right
1&2 	Make a ¼ turn to the Right, Into a left side shuffle
3-4 	Right behind left, ¼ turn left on left
5&6 	Right shuffle forward
7-8 	Walk forward left, right
	End of Dance
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert January 2012