Back Bay Stroll
Choreographed by Debbie Small & Fred Rapoport
Description 32 count,  intermediate,  Partner dance, Gentleman and lady face
LOD in right side wrap (cuddle) dance position.
Music You Better Think Twice - Vince Gill
Heaven Says Hello - Sonny James
Swingin' - John Anderson
Down to My Last Teardrop - Tanya Tucker
Look What Followed Me Home - David Ball;
My Kind of Girl  - Collin Raye
Amy's Back In Austin - Little Texas
I Am a Simple Man - Ricky Van Shelton
I Think About It All the Time     -  John Berry

1-2 Step diagonally to right with right, touch left
3-4 Step diagonally to left with left, touch right
5 MAN: Press against lady's back with your right forearm, step forward right, 
and bridge arms over lady's head 
LADY: Step back right and start to lean forward at the waist
&6 MAN: Pivot 1/2 clockwise turn to left on right, and step down left facing your partner 
LADY: Step back left, as you complete bend at the waist
7-8 MAN: Step back right, touch left 
LADY: Rock forward right, as you stand back up, touch left
Partners are now facing each other in double crossed handhold position (woman facing LOD)
9-10 Step diagonally to left with left and kick right forward
11-12 Step diagonally to right with right and kick left forward
13-16 Release hands and slide your right hand down your partner's right arm and finally release as you
grapevine left (step to left with left, step right behind left, step to left with left, touch right)
17-20 MAN: Grapevine right (step to right with right, cross left behind right, step to right with right, touch left) 
LADY: Step forward right, touch left, step forward left, touch right
21&22 MAN: Step to left with left as you pivot 1/2 counterclockwise turn left, stepping down right 
LADY: Step to right with right as you pivot 1/2 clockwise turn right, stepping down left
23-24 MAN: Cross left behind right, step to right with right 
LADY: Cross right behind left, step to left with left

Partners are now facing each other and join hands in double handhold position (man facing LOD)

25-28 b: Step forward (left-right), rock back left and forward right 
LADY: Step back (right-left), rock back right and forward on left
29-30 MAN: Step back (left-right) 
LADY: Step forward (right-left)
31-32 MAN: Step fwd left, as you bring lady back into original right side wrap (cuddle) dance position, touch right 
LADY: Pivot 1/2 counterclockwise turn on right, stepping down left, touch right
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2002