Baby I'm Blue
Choreographed by 	Mariette and Jean-Marc Villeneuve, Canada (2015)
Description 	Dance partners Newbie 32 counts, Indian Position Facing OLOD
		Man behind the woman , The steps of a man and woman are the same type,
		except where indicated
Music 		Baby I'm Blue - Hal Ketchum - Intro 16 accounts
Translation Robert Martineau, JVTTLB 08-09-15
1-8 	Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Hunting To Left,
1-2 	Cross right over left - left to left 
3&4 	Cross right behind left - step left to left - Cross right over left
	Release hands D, G pass the arms above the head of the woman
5-6 	Step forward - Pivot 1/2 turn Right
	Reverse Indian Position facing ILOD the woman behind the man
	hands held up to the belt
7&8 	Shuffle left, right, left, side, left
9-16 	Cross Rock Step, Shuffle 1/4 Turn, Step, Slide, Shuffle Fwd,
1-2 	Rock right cross over left - recover to left    
	Release hands G, D move the arms above the head Women
3&4	 Shuffle right, left, right, 1/4 turn right
	position Sweetheart facing LOD
5-6 	Step forward - Slide right next to left 
7&8 	Shuffle left, right, left, advancing
17-24 	Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Step, Touch, Shuffle Fwd,   
	Release hands G, D move the arms above the head of the woman
1&2 	Shuffle right, left, right, 1/2 turn Left RLOD
	Facing RLOD man inside the circle
	L are left hands before the woman and right hands in the back of the man
	Release hands D, pass the left arm above the head of the woman
3&4 	Shuffle Left, right, left, 1/2 turn left
	Position Sweetheart facing LOD
5-6 	Step forward - Touch left beside right 
7&8 	Shuffle left, right, left advancing
25-32 	M: Step, Behind, 1/4 Triple Turn, Turn 1/4, 1/4 Turn, Triple Step.
	L: Cross, Side, Triple 1/4 Turn, Turn 1/2, 1/2 Turn, . Triple Step
	partners change sides, not letting go of hands The woman passes under the arms G
1-2 	M: Step forward - Cross left behind right 		L: cross right over left - left to left
3&4 	M: Triple step right, left, right, 1/4 turn left 		L: Triple step right, left, right, 1/4 turn right
	Double Hand Hold Position Cross, hands on top G , Man and woman face ILOD face OLOD
	Release hands D, the woman passes under the arms G
5-6 	M: 1/4 turn left stepping forward – 		F: 1/2 turn right Left behind -
	1/4 turn to the left and right forward 		1/2 turn right stepping forward
	Resume starting position
7&8 	M: Triple step left, right, left, on site 		L: Triple step left, right, left, on site
							October 2015