Baby Blue Two (P)
Choreographer Angie Leyland (Lancashire, UK. July 2014) Description 32 count Partner Dance Adapted by Vicky Jackson & Dave Thomas Starting in sweetheart position - Same foot work through out Music: You’re In The Shadow Of Mind - Chris Raddings 8 Count intro starting after banjo (94 bpm) Alt Keeping with the same Style of Music: Ain’t Got Trouble Now - Alan Jackson, [The Bluegrass. Album] RIGHT SIDE ROCK & CROSS, LEFT SIDE ROCK & CROSS 1&2 Rock Rt out to Rt, Recover on Lt Cross Rt over Lt 3&4 Rock Lt out to Lt, Recover on Rt Cross Lt over Rt WALK RIGHT, WALK LEFT, STEP PIVOT STEP 5-6 Walk Forward Rt, Walk Foward Lt 7&8 Step Forward Rt, Pivot ½ turn Lt (Both raising left hands & Letting go of right hands) Step Forward Rt (now facing RLOD) LEFT SIDE ROCK & CROSS, RIGHT SIDE ROCK & CROSS 9&10 Rock Lt out to Lt, Recover on Rt Cross Lt over Rt 11&12 Rock Rt out to Rt, Recover on Lt Cross Rt over Lt WALK LEFT, WALK RIGHT, STEP PIVOT STEP 13-14 Walk Forward Lt, Walk Forward Rt 15&16 Step Forward Lt Pivot ½ turn Rt (Both raising right hands & Letting go of left hands) Step Forward Lt (Back into LOD sweetheart position) RIGHT HEEL HITCH,HEEL HITCH, STEP LOCK 17&18& Rt Heel Fwd Hitch Over Lt, Heel Fwd Hitch Over Lt 19&20 Rt Step Fwd Lock Step behind Rt, Rt Step Fwd LEFT HEEL HITCH, HEEL HITCH STEP LOCK 21&22& Lt Heel Fwd Hitch Over Rt, Heel Fwd Hitch Over Rt 23&24 Lt Step Fwd Lock Step behind Lt, Lt Step Fwd RIGHT ROCK FWD & BACK & FWD & BACK, STEP FWD 25&26& Rt Rock fwd, Rock Bk Lt, Rock Bk Rt, Rock Fwd Lt 27&28& Rt Rock fwd, Rock Bk Lt, Rock Bk Rt, Rock Fwd Lt 4 HEEL STRUTS WALKING FORWARD 29&30& Right Heel Toe down, Left Heel Toe down 31&32& Right Heel Toe down, Left Heel Toe down End of Dance Baby Blue Two was created from my Line Dance Baby Blue (You’re in the shadow of my mind) and Adapted as a Partner Dance by Vicky Jackson & Dave Thomas The Partner Dance & Line Dance both fit exactly in time to the music & on the dance floor Happy Dancing & Miles of Smiles Angie :